TLOS legend of the black dragon chapter 14 Kick-off

He couldn't imagine anymore that he was bullied by the other dragonflies who said that he was an overgrown runt and a freak of nature and that he actually believed them that he was just a mutated and malformed dragonfly.

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Wind of Change: Chapter 24

The dragonfly grabbed the draconian and tried to pin him to the ground. the draconian then used his other weapon: his fire breath, to burn the dragonfly. it made sounds of agony, but amhyr ended his suffering by a swift shot to the head.

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Fullhearts eve

Cynder jogged to properly catch up with the dragonfly, stopping outside the store; the sign above the entrance read "hawker's relaxation and beautification parlour". cynder gave sparx and incredulous look shaking her head at the dragonfly.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book III Chapter 15

However the dragonfly did nothing, those are the hard choices and he will have to live with them. the dragonfly once again began to look around, if his brother is still purple then that means she is still alive.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book III Chapter 16

Then she began to cough, deafening the horrified yelp of a yellow dragonfly. yellow dragonfly. the dragoness quenched the painful coughing and cleared her vision with a couple of quick flutters of her eyelids.

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DragonZ Chapter 21

Flying fast and hard, pushing the dragonfly beyond its limits, and the limit i had reached.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book VIII Chapter 16

The dragonfly dropped down, knocking at the gold chest, a soft thump responded to him "ever thought about cutting it out?" the dragon smiled.

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Day Of the Dragon chapter 1

They were at the swamp, clearing the land from danger for their dragonfly friends and other creatures who lived there, and were about to leave, when... "ambush!"


The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book IX Chapter 2

Defending someone like her, while being just a small dragonfly...will be hard, but he has to do it.

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March of Progress - Rainfurrest 2013 Flash Fiction

The dragonfly barkeep seemed sympathetic, but largely disinterested. murphy wanted to be angry at henry, but just couldn't bring up the energy. it would be easy enough for him to flit off and serve hooch someplace else.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book I Chapter 17

He focused on the purple dragon who was flying in circles around them with a shape of a snoring dragonfly on his head " how are you feeling spyro?"

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book IV Chapter 16

"i don't smell anything" the dragonfly replied confidently his draconic nostrils kept flaring in steady succession. "it smells like..."

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