Dystopian New York.
The sky had been filled with cybernetic drones and police helicopters which flew around the city skylines and scanned and monitored every man and fur of the city. nothing was unknown from the police. nothing was hidden from the government.
Wind of Change: Chapter 31
Blast from the Past "You...know my origin," said Dairyu, surprised. "So, it is true, then. That agent is telling the truth about out arrival not being the first." "That's because of my own arrival here, due to a mishap," said Richard. "But...
2020-05-23 An Unexpected Score
**An Unexpected Score By: VeronicaFoxx For: FlimFlamFun5** Jenna tapped nervously against the side of her keyboard as the decryption program scrolled across her virtual vision. It was the best that she had yet devised, but she...
From advanced power armor to cybernetic implants, you will find yourself a rich man if you manage to acquire a piece of their equipment.
Resident Furry Virus Chronicles: Antarctia
Then the only way he is able to do that much damage is...cybernetic implants and parts...if i remember right...his whole chest, arms, legs and half his face is cybernetic..." evan looked up slightly tilting his head.
Curse part 8
Then again they bought a shit ton of cybernetic materials so i guess a few high end toys wouldn't put them that much over budget.
Team Canine Episode 2: The Pilot's Rage
He had a crazy white mohawk, a cybernetic eyepatch, and a ton of gear on with spiky shoulderpads. "welcome, wolf o' donnell," began silver.
"i didn't say that. there's a scientist that has perfected the creation of cybernetic organs, if you can get your hands on one of these he'll be as good as new...there's just one problem." "if it's money me and tamati can help."
Third Official Character Fea
Immortality), elemental control and breath attacks, can breath a neurotoxin that causes rot, minor weather manipulation like making it rain storm or become foggy, can only make dimension pockets mainly used for storage and smuggling, trancformation, has small cybernetics
The Origin of Max: Chapter Two: Dockside Vampires and Machines
"my names tempest...i used to be a mechanic for the wounded vets and cops that opted for state of the art cybernetic body parts...i can go as detailed as right down to your privates to your heart and brain. i am at your service mr. charger."
Past Dues PART 3 (Shark Anthro Story) [Commission]
The pyschographic evaluation ruled that i wouldn't be mentally stable to handle a cybernetic leg installation, so they delegated the rest of my life to living as a cripple.
Abandoned Story - Virtual Story WIP
If they ever wanted to leave of course, then they could earn their way out in a cybernetic body by working in a virtual environment. nice story.