The Freehorn's Scars - Chapter 3

Everyone worked fast so that the other half of the convoy that was headed to marlton could get moving once again. the wagon shifted as doren dismounted from it, the wet slush splattering as he landed hard on the ground.

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After Armageddon Chapter 5

I aim at the start of the enemy convoy and i open fire. the enemy having no cover falls quickly. i slowly pan the entire enemy convoy with my machine gun never lifting my claws from the trigger. i thin the number of hostile humans out significantly.


Wasteland Survivor – The story of Crystal - ch1

"this is truck two of convoy one? over." damn, why couldn't i remember to say that? "um, yeah i guess. you, uh, we... we don't exactly look like we used to, we um, we were changed in the event thing. er over."

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In Utter Darkness: Chapter 1: New Day

From there we managed to rescue a small military and civilian convoy headed to the bastion that was under significant attack. i still hadn't told them that all intel pointed at it being overrun just a few hours previously.

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The Front Line (Warhammer 40k)

Thankfully dianos brought me some food from the canteen; tomato soup was the only thing on offer since our last two resupply convoys never arrived, but it's fucking warming on nights like these.

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A New Beginning: Chapter Two: Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction.

He moved his chair up to gaze out the window, hoping to find some indication as to where they were, but except for the road ahead, he couldn't make out much in the darkness, so he really had no clue as to the convoy's current location.

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friends back together

After a little while the team and the convoy where ready to head back after restocking their supplies and medics but also the left over ammo and weapons where taken with them too.

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Excerpt 22-Evacuation

, i said as i used the fire escape to rejoin the convoy, where a maintenance team had already begun replacing the ruined tire. "at 10 grand a piece", the commander said, "that's a pretty expensive flat."

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She followed the sound, keeping low to the ground, and found the faerie convoy. a line of horses, coal-dark, strode down the path, their ebon manes adorned with silver bells.

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Mesozoic Park 2 (Part 3)

She shook her head "no idea" matt chuckled "hey, congrats, you got a fan" when loaded, the convoy of trucks began their journey, matt joined jayden, waving to everyone watching, he pulled out his phone and made a call...

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The Tale of Tecwyn, Ch1 - An icy journey

The convoy leader approached him to take point, while cecil would bring up the rear as a supportive role.

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840 On Movie Night

Cleo's favorite scene in the movie is the bit where, travelling in a huge military truck convoy through a foreign but otherwise peaceful and harmless nation, apparently in some former british colonial island outpost (the location is deliberately left vague

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