Mesozoic Park 2 (Part 3)

Story by nitro_wolf on SoFurry

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#4 of Mesozoic Park 2

By the end of their walk, Jayden had cheered up a little, but wasn't looking forwards to going back to thee warehouse and breaking the news to everyone, but Matt could tell how nervous she was and had an idea of his own.

As they sat atop a hill overlooking the beach, Jayden leaned up against Matt, trying to feel comforted and calm, he caught on and put his arm around her "Jayden" he said "I think we should go to the island, screw what my dad said"

She let out a little fake laugh, thinking it was a joke now and shook her head.

"Jayden" Matt said, getting her to turn and look at him, he looked her straight in the eyes so she could see he was serious "I mean it"

"sorry Matt, I would love to but..." she sighed "I don't want your dad mad at either of us"

"I don't think it's his decision to make, I'm pretty sure he had to sell the island" Matt explained "he sold it to one of the lead scientists, the guy that caused a lot of trouble... But the government said you could go?"

Jayden nodded.

"well than go, but I'm coming with you" Matt said with a smile.

Jayden gently kissed his muzzle "I wouldn't have it any other way"

Matt blushed brightly and kissed back. Jayden giggled and playfully pinned him on the sand before giving a deep kiss.

It only took a few days to finish the wiring and a week later a crowd was gathered in the parking lot of the warehouse to watch the vehicles load onto transport trucks, not to mention a number of news crews.

On the way to board Jayden's jeep, a young girl slipped away from her mother and through the crowd and excitedly hopped up to Jayden, who knelt down with a smile "hey sweetie, whats your name?" she asked nicely.

The young kangaroo smiled shyly as her mother caught up "go on, tell the nice woman" her mom said.

"I'm Charlotte" she replied and showed Jayden a stuffed toy dinosaur, a sauropod "and this is my dinosaur, hes a Brachiosaurus"

Jayden smiled and gave the toy a little pat "hes very cute, is Brachiosaurus your favorite dinosaur?"

Charlotte nodded "I hope you get some pictures of one"

Jayden nodded "I hope so too"

Charlotte gave Jayden a hug, when she let go, her mom picked her up, letting Jayden stand again "Have a nice trip, Jayden, I can't wait to see the pictures" the mother said as Charlotte waved good bye.

"who was that?" Matt asked.

"Charlotte... Apparently" Jayden replied.

"you don't know them?" Matt questioned.

She shook her head "no idea"

Matt chuckled "hey, congrats, you got a fan"

When loaded, the convoy of trucks began their journey, Matt joined Jayden, waving to everyone watching, he pulled out his phone and made a call...

Back at home, Jake and Gena are starting to get a bit worried about Matt, he's never gone for even close to this long, and any time he is gone, he always calls. They where about to try and call him when the phone rung, Gena recognized the number as Matt's and put it on speaker phone so Jake could hear. "Hello?" she said.

"Hey mom, how are you?" he said, trying to play it cool and pass it all off as nothing.

Gena almost laughed, but replied "oh, i'm good, we where getting worried though, where are you?"

"well, we are on the way to isla de caca de aves"

"bird poop island?" Gena questioned, letting out a laugh.

Jayden could be heard laughing in the background "Sorry mom, Jayden told me thats the name of the island... I'm on the way to the island of Mesozoic Park!"

"no, that is the name" Jake said "it was used to harvest bird manure for fertilizer before I bought it"

Everyone laughed, except for Matt, he just felt like he was in the middle of a complicated joke. "Anyways" Jake stated "I see your in a bit of a rebellious phase... I had one too, I stole my dads beer, but this is about a thousand times worse, your on the way to an incredibly dangerous island that has a very high death rate... Now, I can't see into the future or anything, but I can tell that this will not end well... This is your last warning, turn back NOW"

Matt held his phone way away from his face "oh, sor... dad, I can... ear you... I think I'm loo... cell service... Bye, love you" he hung up.

Gena turned off the phone and put it up "well, what are we gonna do now?" she asked.

Jake thought for a moment "pack your stuff kids, we are going to Mesozoic Park"

Matt and Jayden got nice and comfy "it's quite the ride from here, isn't it?" Matt asked.

Jayden nodded "yeah, it's 100 miles off the cost of Cuba, and we just left New York, it will be probably a solid day and a half of driving, counting stops, plus the boat ride"

Matt gave a little whistle "if you need a break from driving, let me know"

"I'll give you a turn when we got to the first stop" Jayden replied.