Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 23
Chapter 23: Baby Boom, True Heart and Noble Heart True Heart lay outside on the grassy hill that overlooked the landing site of the Great Fox, white and yellow flowers tucked into the base of her long wavy pink and purple hair that spread out...
Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 2
Chapter 2: Visitors from Beyond Time and Space Love Heart was stunned as Defender delivered his report about Mental Heart. "What did you do after that?" "I was able to revive the man he killed, but I couldn't get to the children's parents...
Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 3: Chapter 9
Chapter 9: Return to Action Confidence Heart Kitsune lay back on a bed in sick bay. She wore her new uniform except for the mask and jacket which were hung up by the door. Confidence sighed and stared up at the ceiling as Take Care sat nearby. ...
Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 3
A/N: A lot of the setup for this story comes from an abandoned story by Silver Wolf16 on, used with permission. The Star Fox crossover and the time travel are lifted directly from his story but that story faded out and focused on other things so...
Care Bears Family Adventures, The Cold Wars c1
"They took everything from us... out chance to conquer the world...our power...everything but my home...Frostbite." "Yes boss?" "The time has come. My two projects are ready." Cold Heart swiveled around to face two tubes filled with...
Care Bear Magi Life Chapter 5
A/N: Please be honest when you review this chapter, I'm iffy about some of the events here. Chapter 5: Overload "Try again, Love Heart," Life Heart watched her son Love Heart Bear, who was 18, stand while facing a target some distance away....
Care Bear Magi Life Chapter 2
Chapter 2: Learning and Comfort As Life Heart awoke she felt a warm embrace surrounding her, she sighed happily and snuggled closer to the warmth. Eventually she opened her eyes to find her vision obscured by iridescent blue fur and the events of...
Care Bears Family Adventures: Book 1, Chapter 4
Author's Note: I just wanted to add here that I've received permission to use Soulful Heart Fox in this story. He won't show up for a while but it didn't feel right going back to the first chapter to add him to the list of thank yous where only new...
Care Bears Family Adventures: Book 1, Chapter 5
Chapter 5: Disaster The needle was stuck at 9. The caring meter was a barometer-like meter in a heart-shaped case atop a two-meter tall red and white barber-pole striped tower; the meter itself was indicated by a half-circle of hearts of...
Care Bears Family Adventures: Book 1, Chapter 3
Chapter 3: The Founders Meet Joel had never walked so much in his life, especially not on such rough terrain. The flat land of the farm had always been agreeable. Even on bad days the worst he had to deal with were mud puddles or snow. At least he...
Care Bears Family Adventures: Book 1, Chapter 2
A/N: I really need to thank Fauna Greywolf for helping me write this chapter because I was struggling to get it written early on. Thanks Fauna, I owe you. Also sorry for the long delay, I have no excuse but I finally force myself to finish this and...
Care Bears Family Adventures: Book 1, Chapter 1
Foreward: Thank you for choosing to read this story, I've been working on this chapter for a couple weeks and I've had a lot of help from old friends to get this finished. Right off the bat I want to thank Sun Tzu1 from for helping me...