Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 2

Story by Wilson Kitsune on SoFurry

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#2 of Care Bears Family Adventures Book 4

The Care Bear Family prepares to receive their first extra-terrestrial visitors but aren't prepared for another visitor, this one out of time.

Chapter 2: Visitors from Beyond Time and Space

Love Heart was stunned as Defender delivered his report about Mental Heart. "What did you do after that?"

"I was able to revive the man he killed, but I couldn't get to the children's parents before they were sent to the hospital," Defender leaned up against the wall. "I tried to get in to help but they wouldn't let me, so now each of those children have lost a parent."

Love Heart's face hardened, "Right. We need to warn everyone about Mental Heart. Keep everyone on alert and no solo missions for the foreseeable future. I need to talk to Tenderheart and Brave Heart then I need to visit Fauna and Blue."

"Is that why you're wearing your uniform?" Defender asked.

Love Heart looked down at his sky blue 'prince general' uniform, "Yes, this is official business."

"I'm sorry I couldn't do more," Defender took a deep breath.

Love Heart put a hand on Defender's shoulder, "You did all you could, I don't expect us to anticipate everything that's going to happen. I just need to worry about this 'first contact' situation in the next few days, go spend time with your family, Defender."

Defender nodded, "I will, excuse me." He turned and left followed shortly by Love Heart.


Get Well had planned to unpack then start her apprenticeship under her mother right after the party, but she was so burned out from exams and studying that she ended up sleeping for a full day after the party then stuffed her clothes in the washing machine in the hospital's basement before going right back to bed. Even after that she only muddled her way through unpacking.

Take Care was all to willing to let her daughter go at her own pace, remembering just how tired she was after her years at college. She smiled when she finally saw Get Well slump down at the lunch table with her, having been drawn by the smell of ravioli.

"Finally back on your feet?" Take Care set a bowl in front of her.

Get gave a weak smile, "Yeah, I didn't realize just how tired I was."

"I know how you feel, reminds me of when I first came back from college." Take Care sat down with her own bowl.

"Well I'm ready now," they both turned as Cautious Heart emerged, wearing an adult human sized t-shirt, looking like a human child wearing their parent's clothing.

"Well good afternoon, Cautious," Take Care watched as her second daughter served herself, "You're up late."

"Yeah, stayed up late reading." Cautious turned to Get Well and smiled, "Nice to see you home too."

"I've found her with her face in a book a few times, so what are you doing today?" Take Care asked.

"I promised Meek Heart and Wild Heart I'd go on a practise caring mission if it comes up today, until then Tinker Bear wanted to spend some time with me in her workshop." Cautious Heart bolted down her food then headed back to her bedroom to shed her sleeping shirt and shower.

Get Well had just absorbed what Cautious had said before she vanished into the shower, "She's busy lately. I thought for sure she's be a nurse here by the time I came back."

Take Care shook her head, "I thought about asking her, but you chose to be a doctor of your own volition and I didn't want to try to force her down the same path we took. I'm proud of her for taking this seriously."

They both watched as Cautious Heart hurried past, stopping just to give Get Well a hug, "Welcome home, sis," then bolting out the door.

"These days I'm lucky if I see her at meal times." Take Care sighed as she finished off her lunch.

"Have you been lonely, mom?" Get Well had just finished and took her bowl to the sink.

Take Care smiled as she filled the sink, "Not as much as I thought, I mean the empty nest syndrome has started to set in lately, but Indy's helped keep me company."

"Independent Bear?" Get Well sounded surprised.

Take Care nodded, "He's been visiting me almost every day for the last ten years, stopping by in the early afternoon and just spending time with me. Reading, talking or just keeping me company while I work."

"He doesn't bother you while you work?"

"No, he's quiet when I'm working and he is there whenever something starts to frustrate me, and we compare a lot of notes on what stories we're reading. We tried to watch a few movies together but that's never been our thing," Take Care rolled her eyes, "He did help me when Bright Heart and Gentle Heart insisted that I watch 'The Wrath of Kahn' last year. I admit it was exciting but I was relieved when it was over."

"And he doesn't mind your country music?" Get Well gave a smirk. Few in the Kingdom of Caring shared Take Care's taste in music, except maybe Brave Heart and Get Well suspected that he had picked it up from her.

Take Care laughed, "I asked him once and he said 'after listening to Confidence's anime music most of my life, I'm just happy for the change'."

Get Well chuckled, "I guess it helps that he can understand the lyrics too. Why didn't you tell me this when I came to visit?"

Take Care put the last of the dishes in the cupboard, "Because I wanted to hear about your time in college, not spend time talking about my life. Alright," she clapped her hands together, "now that we're done lunch I think it's time you started your apprenticeship. I'll tell you right now everything you've learned was just practise for the real thing."

Get Well tensed but smiled, "Good, I'm ready to learn everything you have to teach, mom."

Take Care led her into the hospital part of their home, "First you need to re-familiarise yourself with the layout of the hospital."


Patient Heart sat in front of his computer silently scanning internship opportunities at a number of veterinary clinics and animal shelters, jotting down the ones that seemed like the best choices on a paper pad.

"Hey, big brother, whatch'a doing?" Faith Heart seemed to materialize behind Pace, making him jump slightly. He'd forgotten how she was able to do that, either that or a decade living with Get Well (who was just as busy studying) had lowered his guard.

Faith Heart didn't wait for an answer and instead stared at the screen, "You're getting ready to leave already?"

Pace sighed and spun around in his chair, "The sooner I get an internship, the better. Most of these don't start for at least a month, if not later."

Faith slumped down on Pace's bed, "It's been so lonely here, it's just dad, mom, me and four empty bedrooms. Your ceiling is dirty."

Pace looked up, then back down to his sister, "If I don't get an internship as soon as possible then it could be months before I can start."

"At least stay long enough to get to know all your new cousins, and sister-in-law." Faith rolled onto her front, her tail flicking, "You barely visited even for Christmas."

Pace sighed, "If I don't want them mobbing me every time I come home then I guess I should at least spend time with all of them, and my friends."

"Great, see ya at lunch!" Faith hopped up from his bed and practically pranced out of the room.

Pace turned back to his computer and saved the pages of his top five choices before he shut down. All other things aside, he needed some fresh air.


Love Heart easily navigated his way to the secret portal to Pegasus Falls and met Red Snout on the other side. Love Heart saluted, "Greetings. You got my message?"

Red Snout was looking uncomfortable but he nodded, "The Kingsire and Queendame are expecting you. Follow me please." Red Snout spread his wings and took off and Love Heart launched into the air alongside him.

"Can we drop all this formal crap while we're flying. I feel like one of the old council," Red Snout visible shook himself to un-stiffen his joints even as he was flying.

Love Heart smirked, "Believe me, I get sick of it too but I need to keep up the practise. So how are things working out for you and Dagger?"

Red Snout smirked, "Great, we have a foal on the way. I'll let you know when he's born."

"Or she," Love Heart laughed.

"Nah, I got a feeling it's going to be a colt." Red Snout kept his gaze forwards, "Alright, here we are." Love Heart and Red Snout landed at the entrance to the royal caves.

Love Heart saluted to the two guards on duty, who did the same with their wings, "Are the Kingsire and Queendame at home."

"Yes," One of the guards spoke immediately, "They are expecting you."

"Thank you." Love Heart turned to Red Snout, "I'll see you later, after I stop by the polar region."

"No problem," Red Snout took off as Love Heart entered the royal caves.

The caves hadn't changed much since the last time Love Heart visited, still feeling very much like a human living room as opposed to anything where a family of magical winged horses would live.

Love Heart spotted the red tiger trying to sneak up on him and dodged aside as she pounced, tapping her back with minor jolt of static as he did so.

"OW! Hey!" The tiger rounded on him.

"Sorry, Ruby, but you have to do better than that." Love Heart chuckled.

"Alright," Ruby Tiger's tail twitched and she pounced again.

This went on for the next few minutes before Love Heart managed to pin Ruby under his foot, "That's enough, you're getting better though."

Ruby huffed as Love Heart let her up and she changed back into her true pegasus form, "I'll get you some day."

"I doubt that," the voice came from Ruby's twin Brother, Arrow Golden Eagle who was in his true form as well, "Mom and dad are waiting for you, we were on our way out."

"Right, Queenling Ruby and Kingling Arrow," Love Heart watched Ruby cringe slightly as she and Arrow exited.

Fauna and Blue had stood to one side as Love Heart dismissed their children. "Alright, much as I hate to say this, let's hear the business you have," Fauna said.

Love Heart nodded, "Yesterday at the UN we were informed that an extraterrestrial craft is approaching Earth and the Kingdom of Caring was asked to host a first contact meeting with them. Though Pegasus Falls is not a member of the UN I felt you should be aware of such a monumental change that will be coming soon."

"You mean aliens?" Fauna sounded astonished.

"Put bluntly: yes," Love Heart said.

"That is big news. What do you plan to do exactly?" Blue stepped closer. Though they were friends both had to think about their own people first.

"The only objective we have is to determine their intentions, after that we need to figure out if they're any sort of threat." Love Heart sighed and was about to speak when Fauna interrupted him.

"You can skip the 'you would know this if you were part of the UN' speech. We're just fine being hidden away from the rest of the world for now."

"At least until the hunters are dealt with," Blue added.

Love Heart sighed, "I know, but still, the longer you remain hidden the more dangerous things become, and if you don't do it yourselves then your existence might be breached by surprise and any hunters with political influence will use that to turn the world against you." Love Heart smiled, "Believe me, I find all this political crap as painful as you do."

Fauna gave a derisive laugh, "HA! Got that right. So are you just here to talk about the alien invasion or can you visit?"

Love Heart turned halfway towards the door, "Wish I could, but I have to get ready for first contact and I want to visit White Fang, Aurora and Starfang before I go home, Nova and Ren too if I can find the time not to mention Red Snout and Dagger."

"Alright then. Stop by some time," Blue waved as wing as Love Heart departed.

The flight to the polar region was always cold but a quick warmth spell cast over his body kept Love Heart warm even as he flew low to the ground. He grinned as he spotted Starfang playing in the snow and landed right next to him. "Hey, Starfang."

"Uncle Love Heart!" Starfang flapped his wings and all but cannoned into Love Heart, who easily caught him and set him down. Starfang was now in his adolescence, his once silver fur patching through to a sky blue coat and his horn having grown in.

"Good to see you too, Star. Missing Meek and Wild?" Love Heart tousled his mane.

Starfang nodded, "Yeah, can they visit?"

Love Heart chuckled, "I'll ask mom and dad to pay you a visit. Speaking of which, where are your parents?"

"Mom's home, but Dad went to help Renegade with some training, I think..." Starfang looked like he was trying to cross his eyes, but failed.

"Well I came to visit for a while, mind if I go in?" Love Heart asked.

"Nope, have fun." Starfang spotted a nearby group of white wolves, grinned then took off.

Love Heart ducked into the enlarged igloo, "Hello, Aurora?"

Aurora lay in the main room, studying a magic tome, when she looked up and smiled at him, "Hello, Love Heart. Come for a visit?"

"Yes, and for an update," he looked at the arm of his general's uniform, "We may have to deal with aliens soon..."


Bright Heart sat in front of his desktop with Love Heart, Brave Heart, Tenderheart and his wife Gentle Heart standing behind him.

Brave Heart tapped his foot impatiently, "Well, can you call them, Bright Heart?"

"I think so, but it's hard to tell if I'm on the right frequency," Bright Heart didn't look up from his work, "I'm sending out a series of signals and watching for a reaction from whatever kind of communications array they use, then I need to try and contact them verbally."

Brave Heart sighed and folded his arms then turned to Gentle Heart, "Are you two going to have kids anytime soon?"

Gentle Heart shook her head, "No, we're not ready for that yet. Maybe someday," Gentle Heart looked wistful for a moment then shook her head. "I'm more excited for this. Just think, real people from another world coming to visit us!" Gentle Heart giggled and clasped her hands together.

"I think I have it," Bright Heart picked up the microphone and handed it to Tenderheart, "Alright, Tenderheart, it's all yours."

Tenderheart nodded and accepted the microphone, "Attention unidentified extraterrestrial vessel, can you hear me? I represent the planet you are approaching. Please respond."

The voice that replied was feminine but held an air of sternness about it, "What? How can you even talk to us? How do you speak our language?"

Bright Heart smiled and looked up to Tenderheart who continued, "That'll take some time to explain. For now, we're going to try and send you coordinates where you have to land if you're going to make contact with our planet."

There was muffle discussion from the other side before the voice replied again, "Have you detected any other ships approaching your planet?"

Everyone in the room shared a look of concern before Tenderheart replied, "No, should we have?"

"Maybe..." the voice hesitated, "Send the coordinates and we'll land there in about four hours."

"OK." Tenderheart nodded to Bright Heart who sent a text message along the same communication line.

A moment later the voice replied sounding exasperated, "You want us to land in the sky? On clouds?"

Tenderheart was in no mood to deal with the incredulousness of their guests so he took a firmer line, "Yes. The clouds can support your ship. We will see you and appropriate time."

"Alright." The communications line shut off.

Tenderheart set the microphone down, "There. All we have to do is wait."


Everyone from the Care Bear Family had arrived to await the arrival of this ship, staring up at a growing dark speck in the sky. The landing site was the large expanse of clouds that separated the old Caring Castle from Care-a-Lot and the Forest of Feelings. Tenderheart and Brave Heart were wearing their formal UN wear while Love Heart was in his general's uniform. Love Heart glanced back over his shoulder at the rest of the Magi who were dressed as formally as each of them preferred: Confidence in her Karate Gi, Defender Bear wearing his tan vest and shirt under his cloak which was red on the inside and blue on the outside, Truth Bear in a brown overcoat, Indy wearing his black longcoat with a Katana pre-conjured at his side, Sage Heart wearing an orange cloak and Anger Heart, Guidance Heart, Life Heart and Sweet Heart without anything on.

A massive roar from overhead drew their attention as the ship finally came close enough to be seen, though it wasn't as large as they thought it would be. It was entirely white with an angular oval central body, four forward-swept wings that made an X, a large dorsal fin on with the painted on red silhouette of what looked like a fox with a wing extending from its back, a large pod at the top of its bow with a large window, a pair of cannons extended from the middle of the bow right above an open hangar bay, one large engine flanked by two smaller ones on the stern and on the sides. Near the top of each side of the ship, there was large green text written in another language; once it was in range they were able to decipher what it said.


Anger Heart was the first to speak, "Star fox?" he tapped the crystal on the magical translation necklace he wore, "is this thing broken?"

"No, I see it too!" Soulful Heart was forced to shout over the roar of the engines.

"How the hell can the know what foxes are?!" Anger Heart shouted back, then covered his ears, as did everyone else the ship came into land, landing struts extending so the lower wings wouldn't scrape the clouds.

They all uncovered their ears as the ship's engines shut off and stared to meet the crew as the boarding ramp extended from the hangar. Tenderheart nodded to Brave Heart and Love Heart then the three of them approached as the crew of the ship descended the ramp.

They stopped about ten meters apart and just stared at each other. The crew of the ship were anthropomorphic animals much like the Care Bears, although they had leaner and more muscular builds compared to the more 'stuffed toy' proportions of the rest of the Care Bear Family; all six of them wore the same style of flight suits (albeit in different colors) with white boots and a heavy white flight jacket

The one in front was a light brown fox with a vertical white stripe on his forehead and a white muzzle wearing a green flight suit with a red neck bandana. At his immediate right was a fennec fox with light brown fur wearing a pink flight suit and at the fox's left was a grey hare with a white muzzle wearing a red flight suit. Behind them there was a blue bird with a yellow beak and red rings around his eyes wearing a red flight suit walking next to a pink cat in a yellow flight suit holding what looked like a blue infant cat in her arms. Right behind the fennec was a green toad or frog who stood a head shorter than the rest of the group wearing a blue flight suit.

They all just stood still for a moment and stared at each other until Tenderheart stepped forwards and held a hand forwards, "Greetings. My name is Tenderheart Bear, prime diplomat of the Kingdom of Caring. Welcome to Earth."

The fox was a bit stunned but extended his own hand forwards, "Fox Pheonix-McCloud, commander of the Star Fox mercenary team from the Lylat system." He watched as Tenderheart took his hand and shook it, and he gripped back which made the bear wince. "These are my team members, Peppy Hare, veteran and mentor," he turned to the hare then the toad as he stepped up alongside them, "Slippy Toad, our engineer," he turned to the bird and cat, "Falco Lombardi our ace pilot and his wife Katt Lombardi and their daughter Kalico," He turned and smiled to the Fennec, "And last but not least, my wife and second in command, Fara Phoenix-McCloud."

Tenderheart nodded and released his hand, shaking it from the grip Fox had given him, "I don't have time to introduce everyone but this Brave Heart Lion, our public relations minister and Prince General Love Heart Bear of the Care Bear Magi."

Fara stepped forwards and shook Brave Heart's hand and Peppy did the same to Love Heart Bear.

"Honestly, I thought my first encounter with aliens would be a little more...different," Brave Heart chuckled.

"I admit that I didn't expect to encounter creatures like ourselves so far from home," Fara said as she released Brave Heart's hand. "Are you the main form of life on this planet?"

"No, that would be humans, but they live down on the surface," Brave Heart pointed down at the clouds.

"We've only recently joined in their governmental coalition called the United Nations, about ten years ago," Love Heart said. "There are billions of humans but less than one hundred of us."

"I'm curious, how can we understand each other?" Peppy asked.

"It's the nature of our species," Tenderheart said, "We're creatures of magic and part of the magic has given us the gift of tongues, or in other words the ability to magically understand, speak and read any language even ones we've never encountered before."

"Most of us," Love Heart tapped the glowing crystal on the necklace around his neck, "We Care Bear Magi were created as a sort of super soldier so we lack that ability, but we've created these necklaces that allow us the same ability as the rest of our kind."

"Magic?" Peppy eye's widened, "Well we have psionic abilities in our system, Fara and I are Psions," he extended an arm towards Fara, "I'm not sure if it's the same thing."

"It's not, Psionics exist here as well," Love Heart turned over his shoulder to Indy, who just nodded, "My brother, Independent Bear, is psionic as well."

Falco cleared his throat, "Look, I'm as excited about first contact as anyone, but what about Andross."

Fox nodded, "Right. Sorry to cut the fun stuff short but did you see any other ships approaching this planet."

Love Heart tensed up, "Another ship?"

Fara nodded, "We didn't come here for first contact. We're tracking a war criminal named Andross here. We thought we had killed him in a recent war for our system but we found out that he fled through warp space and tracked him to this planet. He's a powerful psionic and might be masking his ship from conventional sensors if he's already here."

"Truthfully we had hoped to track him down and kill or capture him without contacting your planet," Fox sighed, "We're mercenaries, not diplomats."

"Then consider this joint operation to be our first cooperative mission." Love Heart smiled, "Of course you'll have to visit the United Nations to present your case, if you want help."

"As long as we're here now I suppose it's unavoidable," Peppy said. "Can you arrange a meeting?"

"As soon as we can contact them. In the meantime, we can give you a tour of our little kingdom in the sky and introduce you to everyone," Tenderheart motioned to the assembled Care Bear Family.

While everyone was talking, Gentle Heart noticed the distressed look on Bright Heart's face. "Bright, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing, I'm just nervous about all of this." Bright Heart forced a smile and took her hand.

Fox was about to say something when they all heard a beeping from one of his jacket pockets. "Just a moment," he pulled out flat cell-phone like device and pressed a button causing the image of a shovel-jawed grey robot to appear on the screen, "What's going on ROB?"


All the Star Fox team members congregated around Fox as he narrowed his eyes and replied, "Is it Andross?"


"Psychonite?" Fara instinctively gripped the sapphire pendant around her neck. "Contact them, we need to find out what's they're doing."


Every member of the Care Bear Family jumped when they heard the voice. "Fox Phoenix-McCloud. I'm sorry to startle you like this but I have urgent information about your search that I need to deliver to you."

Fox stared at the screen, then looked up at Tenderheart, then back to the screen, "Who are you?"

"That's hard to explain, it'll have to wait until I land. Do I have your clearance?"

"Alright, but I need a good explanation for this when you do." Fox shut off the communicator.

Brave Heart turned to Tenderheart, "That sounded like you."

Tenderheart nodded, "I know but, that's impossible."

"He looked like you too. Whoever he is he's landing right away, look," Fox pointed up to the sky

Everyone looked up as the sleek fighter flew through the atmosphere and circled around to land near the Great Fox. It had a white angular conical body with a painted on cockpit decal, blue upper and lower fins on both sides of the fuselage and backward-swept wings. The engine noise was thankfully minimal as it landed right in front of the Great Fox.

Everyone was on edge, especially the Magi and Star Fox who were readying themselves if the ship or its occupant suddenly decided to attack. Everyone held their breath as the side of the fighter opened and swung down into a ramp as the occupant stepped out.

Everyone stared as Tenderheart Bear stepped out of the cockpit, wearing a brown Star Fox flight suit and white Star Fox jacket with his long brown hair done back in a single braid. No one spoke as he approached and saluted Fox then turned to face Tenderheart, "Greetings. My name is Tenderheart Bear, Commander of the Star Fox Team. I'm from over five years in the future."

No one was quite sure what to make of what the new Tenderheart had said but he continued, "I know this is going to be hard to swallow but I'm here to warn you: In less than a year this planet will be destroyed by No-Heart and his allies: his brother Quenos, Andross, Cold Heart and Mental Heart." He watched the stunned faces of everyone staring at him, and noted that Love Heart was still tensed for action.

True Heart took a deep breath and approached the bear, "Is this all true?" she reached up and took the future Tenderheart's face in her hands.

Tenderheart met her gaze, watching her quivering blue eyes. "Yes, True Heart, I promise you this is all true." He took her hand and held it, then turned to the rest of the assembly, "Fox, you die saving us in an orbital battle before we warp to the Lylat system, and other than myself the only survivors of the Care Bear Family are: Cheer Bear, Confidence Heart Fennec, Defender Bear, Hope Bear, Take Care Bear, Bright Heart Raccoon, Patient Heart Liger, Hugs Bear, Perfect Panda," Tenderheart paused for a moment to collect himself, "Contrary Heart Liger, Get Well Bear, and Soulful Heart Fox."

True Heart clutched the radiant heart crystal on her necklace as Noble Heart walked up behind her and put a hand on her shoulder. "I trust True Heart and I'm willing to believe you, but do you have any proof of this?"

Future Tenderheart nodded, "I'm willing to undergo a medical exam and DNA testing to prove who I am," he looked over to Take Care, "And I have some gifts from the future." He walked back to his Arwing and stepped inside. A moment later he emerged with a large black sword strapped to his back and a large metal box in his hands. Everyone watched as he approached them and lifted the lid off the box, "These are messages from all the future versions of you that survived, except me," he turned to present Tenderheart who was still at a loss for words, "I'll talk to you later Tenderheart."

"OK." The normally composed Tenderheart was still trying to process everything.

Future Tenderheart turned to face Slippy, "And Slippy I have something more important for you," he jerked his head towards the landed fighter, "That is an Arwing Mk V, constructed with experimental alloys and technology by you, Bright Heart and a pilot named Faye Spaniel." He shifted the box to one arm and pulled out two devices that looked like thick smart phones. "One of these datapads has a message for you to watch and listen to and the other contains all the data needed for the technology I brought back with me: Laminate Titnaium, Durabillum, Particle Beam Weapons, Nova Torpedoes, and schematics for the Arwing Mk V, Bomber, Interceptor and a couple other experimental ships you can use when you get back to Lylat."

Slippy approached and took the datapads, "Looks like the same data storage device we use. Thank you."

Fara stepped forwards and spoke with a strong voice, "If you do come from the future, tell us how you were able to travel back in time."

Tenderheart nodded, "There's an experimental time drive in that ship powered and controlled by psychonite." Before Fara could ask her follow-up question he sent a telepathic message to everyone present, 'Yes, I am psionic.'

"You're psionic?! I'm Psionic?! We're psionic?!" Tenderheart finally couldn't handle any more and clutched his head, "What is all of this?! Am I going crazy?!"

"Alright that's enough." Take Care Bear stepped forwards and right into Future Tenderheart's face, "If you said you're willing to undergo a medical exam and tests to prove who you are them come with me right now and we'll get this all sorted out."

Future Tenderheart nodded, "I will, once I hand out everyone's messages from the future?" He pulled a datapad out of the box and handed it to her, "Starting with you, Take Care. Watch it whenever you have time."


Tenderheart sat with his wife, Love-a-Lot, as they waited for Take Care to finish her tests. Most of the Care Bear Family had dispersed to show the Star Fox Team around the Kingdom of Caring, except for Fox and Fara who also sat in the waiting room along with True Heart and Noble Heart.

Tenderheart was the most nervous, not even having had time to change out of his UN clothing before they arrived at the hospital. He fidgeted in his seat non-stop until Love-a-Lot put a hand on his shoulder. "Calm down, please, you're making everyone nervous."

"I can't calm down, my future self is in there and he just told us that we could lose everything, or he could be lying and I don't know what to think about all of this." Tenderheart swiped his sweaty brow then leaned back.

"I don't know if we should believe this either, but if he's right and Andross is part of this then we need to take him seriously," Fox folded his arms. "I'd hoped this would be quick and easy but now the fate of this world might be riding on things.

"I know." Fara nodded, "But I believe him, at least I believe he thinks he's telling the truth."

Further conversation was interrupted when Take Care emerged with Future Tenderheart. She immediately gave the answer they were waiting to hear, "Tenderheart, he is you. He is identical to you in every way except that he is five years older and there's unusual activity in his brain, similar to what I've seen from Independent Bear's brain scans."

"May I see?" Fara stood up and walked over to Take Care.

Take Care looked to Future Tenderheart, who nodded, then showed the information to Fara.

Fara took one glance at it then nodded, "These are the patterns you see in awakened psions. Peppy and I have the same readings."

"What's an awakened psion?" Love Heart asked.

"People can only be psions if they are born with the potential for it, but not every psion is the same. I'll skip the big explanation and say that until a psions awakens they will be like everyone else." Fara turned to Tenderheart, "If he really is you from five years in the future, then it's possible you will awaken sometime soon, though how I can't be sure."

"I can," Future Tenderheart spoke up, "When I saw the Earth being torn apart, I heard screams in my head. It overwhelmed me and before I knew you were giving me psionic training," he turned to face Fara.

"I hope I was a good teacher," Fara smiled.

"Wait, how can you tell how old he is? Take Care, I mean... we don't age, unless we want to," Love-a-Lot screwed up her face as she tried to figure it out.

"The cells in our bodies still divide at the same rate as humans once we reach physical adult age, the magic just prevents the wear and tear caused in normal cellular division. I just need to see how many of your cells have been replaced," Take Care said.

"So, you are me from the future," Tenderheart approached his future counterpart with Love-a-Lot right next to him. "What do we do now?"

"Get a meeting together at the Hall of Hearts and I'll explain everything we need to do." Tenderheart turned to Love-a-Lot, then embraced her.

"What the?" Love-a-Lot pushed him off and stepped back, hand on Tenderheart's shoulder.

"Sorry I just..." Future Tenderheart took a deep breath and smiled, "I missed you, so much."

"I understand. But even if you're a future version of Tenderheart, you're not my Tenderheart," Love-a-Lot said.

"I know, sorry."

"It's fine, I forgive you."

"OK, let's go then." Future Tenderheart was about to leave when Tenderheart spoke up.

"Wait. What do we call you? We can't just call you 'future Tenderheart" all the time."

He paused, "That is a bit of a mouthful, how about Futureheart Bear?"

"That sounds ridiculous," Tenderheart said, "But it'll do."


Futureheart Bear stood at the head of the table in the Hall of Hearts facing everyone, including the members of the Start Fox Team who all sat together near the entrance to the hall.

Futureheart took a deep breath, "I know what I've said is hard to believe, but I'm only asking you to hear me out. Yes, I am from over five years in the future after the Earth was destroyed by No-Heart working with Andross who is here on this planet. I came back when I did because I needed to wait for the Star Fox Team to arrive so I would have some plausibility to my claims. I'm here to stop No-Heart but I'll need all your help to do this."

Love Heart spoke next, "Since I know they're alive I'm going to step up training and keep all caring missions in teams of two, especially with Mental Heart out there."

Futureheart smiled, "I forgot how devoted you were to this."

"That's my dad!" Miracle Heart piped up, which provoked a few chuckles from the assembly.

"There's more." Futureheart continued, "I've already given Slippy all the data on the technology we developed before I came back here. I don't know how much use it will be but any of it that can be built here would be helpful. One more thing, we need to investigate a man named Clifford Quentin."

"I've heard of him," Bright Heart spoke up, "CEO of a company called Quentin Enterprises. Don't know much about what his company does though."

Futureheart nodded, "Not many people do. His company appears to be a technology company but it's a front for criminal activity. Shortly after the Star Fox Team arrived the FBI were able to trace a lead back to him and expose him under the codename Control, a criminal involved in underworld activities only to find him missing without a trace. More importantly, he is No-Heart's brother, Quenos, and Shrieky's father. He is one of the lead scientists of No-Heart's empire in the future and the developer of a powerful weapon called The Prank. I'll explain more later but there's one last thing," Futureheart turned to face Independent Bear, who was sitting six chairs away, "Independent Bear, I need to train you."

"In what?" Indy asked.


Indy jumped, nearly falling backwards, "What?!"

Futureheart stood up and walked over to him, "Indy, I believe you have psionic potential equal to if not stronger than Andross and Mental Heart." He put a hand on the silver bear's shoulder, "If I train you, you could be the tipping point in this war."

Indy looked up at Futureheart, then across the whole assembly, briefly resting on Take Care, then back up to Futureheart, "OK. I'll try."


A large steel-gray ship with a monkey's face built into the front orbited Earth at a high distance. In the ship's damaged command bridge, Andross sat in the command chair. Andross was a tall brown primate with long white hair and a long white beard clad in a high collared red robe. He glared around at the lizard men and other primates rushing to fix things.

"All this travel and I find a planet so primitive that their only space station wouldn't pass for a scrapyard!" Andross fumed.

"The Great Fox just entered the atmosphere, they must not have seen us," the one lizard at the main controls relaxed.

"Only because I'm using all my power to hide us from them," Andross shouted, rubbing his temples, "As soon as we can warp we need to leave and find a better place to rebuild our forces."

'Then maybe you should stay here.'

Andros jumped out of his seat and spun around, "Who's there!"

'My name is Mental Heart and I represent the only power on this planet worth your time.'

Andross chuckled, "I didn't know there were such individuals on this planet. But if you're willing to serve my interest-" Andros suddenly stopped and held his head as pain lanced through him.

'Don't presume to give me orders or that you will be in command. My lord only offers this because he wants access to your technology and the support you can give. Or you can continue to assume that you're in charge and I'll just assault your mind until you can't hide from the Star Fox Team anymore.'

Andross grimaced but sat back down, "Very well. What shall I do?"

'I'm sending you the coordinates of where to land. Once you're there, you'll meet him.'

"Fine," Andross grinned, "Perhaps I can turn this to my advantage after all. Helm, enter the atmosphere and go to the following coordinates..."