Halloween 2022 - Rewind
Ever feel like you're stuck? Rewind Halloween 2022 Dawn shook her head as she saw the flashing lights ahead. "No, hell no. Not after I've made it this far. No new details and no time to hide any," she muttered to herself. A glance...
Seeker Origins: Chapter Thirteen
From what artsua had hinted to me, this was most likely going to be my last day in 'captivity'. soon my mind would be completely wiped clean, leaving just my obedient body left.
Chapter 4:Bronze Mountain Bloodshed
Sit down, get relaxed. Yes, good. Got any snacks? Good. \*Takes\* Thanks. \*Chomp Chomp\* You're goning to be here for a while. It's one of those long chapters. I hope you enjoy. This, the previous , and the next two were supposed to be one chapter...
The Toy Part Two -- Stress Test
The Toy  Part Two: Stress Test by Doctor Mercurious    The vixen awoke with a jerk. Bland gray light stabbed at her eyes and for one fleeting merciful moment she couldn't remember where se was. Then her hand brushed her...
The Darwin Chronicles: Introduction
But most things in life are never that simple, as the crew of the darwin and the captives from the arc-621 were about to find out.
Ardring - Chapter 6
The testing didn't end there. No, that was simply the beginning. In fact, all those needles were only a precursor to the things that were going to happen to him. At first, the injected spots started to turn darker, the fur dying to a dark brown--...
Wind Bourne Destiny: Part three&four; Capitivity.
The nest morning Ashton awoke to a loud crash and yelling as he ran out of the barn with nothing but his pants on. Thomas met him at the back door of the house, quickly shoved a cap and ball black powder revolver into his chest, and pointed toward his...
U.C.O.D. Scorn of The Lost: Chapter 10
The small captive male had just yelled to him. "hey! what's wrong with you?" he shouted.
KBM - Intro
The cool winter breeze swayed and shook the trees concurrently as the birds returned to the brook. The warming smell of sycamore sap and dewed nightly grass flowed in the mists of the grumbling marshes, displeased by the scene. Merry crickets and...
Three Types of Shuman
My journey here has ended. The Shuman Examiner has had his way with me and soon the Overseers will take me away. Where? Probably to a different facility with new surroundings and new Overseers. It doesn't matter. I have been chosen, along with three...
A Fall From Grace
The sight before him made the captive catch his breath in his throat. light filtered into the place due to small, shoebox, windows placed high up in the rough hewn walls of this place.
New Slave
Alright, my first story of this nature, and the first chapter in a short series I hope to be writing. No fluids actually fly in this chapter, but I think you can understand where I'm going with this... Many of the keywords applied to this story are...