But lately i no longer care for you sure i still live with you but in that i have no choice its not like i have tonnes of money and a fucking gold rolls royce but trust me as soon as i get the chance i'm leaving you behind i'll avoid you like a cancer
Trepid cold shaking shivering quaking just beneath the weight holding the world you knew to be true as it all comes apart right in front of you your tenderness and care ripped from the epicenter like a cancer, metastasizing into a grotesque abomination
World peace, cure to cancer, abolish death, feed the hungry, end hate, swallow fear, balance the budget, save the children what do i want? i've got the world at my knees, begging darling please, anything you need, just say the word.
Conquering Despair
She also told him that if it's malignant, it means that he will have cancer. his mother and dr perrile were off talking with the doctor, and he was left alone in the dark hospital room.
Travelling Remastered- Chapter 2
._ _they told me several years ago that i had cancer. it was just an added strain to my already overloaded can old back. i looked at you then, and saw a sad little boy, who could barely hold himself up.
A Grandpa's Love
Leggo was the only one to survive and the birthing complications was how we first discovered the cancer. when my daughter died i think we all wanted to die too. his father most of all!
Leilani Meets Spiderman
"did he get cancer?" the author blinks. "i...um, no. he never did." leilani folds her arms. "i would think if you were bitten by a radioactive spider, you could." "well, comics are like that, lani.
Anatomical Anachronisms: Chapter 4: Hands
Yes, that's right, increasing your size increases risk of cancer.
Love Is Blind
My lovely cancer lumps!" "you idiot! it's not cancer!" "i know but i always wanted to have cancer so i could sing that." i sigh. "at least he is taking it well," i say to the doctor.
Beginnings Ch. 2
I knew max was an orphan after both his parents died of cancer. he lived at his aunt's house. at the hospital we waited for news. max was still holding my hand. after about an hour, the doctor came out and said "i'm sorry, but she's dead."
Prelude to Paradiso
Your heart spread roots like veins, growing without control like cancer. you loved, and love knows no restraint; without temperance, it is a madness. enjoy your rest, blood ever flowing from your kindness.
"the goiter was diagnosed incorrectly; the treatment sped up the cancer. it was a pernicious little fiend. by the time it was properly assessed and treated, the cancer had metastasized into the lymphatic system. surgery would have been useless..