Telling of Time in Sethera
This is a record of days of the week, months, and time found in Sethera.
The days of the week are divided into seven days.
The time of day can be divided...
Book, Novel, ScalesandHonor, Worldbuilding
Hathia is also home to the oldest mosque in the americas, and the islamic origins of hathia's west coast is still reflected in the names and building styles of the southernmost tip of the western hathian coast.
description, setting
The Rasdamo Compass, a sacred relic in the collection created by Lunrba family, Lunbiv can just take the compass whenever he wanted but why do that ? He wanted destruction and chaos or at least for them to suffer for what they did to his family, but...
Drugs, Feline, Hypnosis, Murder, Prostitution, Story Series, Tiger, no sex, world building
Small cool drops of rain fell from grey skies down onto the potion maker's hill. A soft mist curled against greenery and folded around the hill. The potion maker herself stepped out and shivered as she felt the cold air touch her, but she smiled as she...
Elemental, Fantasy, Feline, Layne, Magic, Potion cat, SFW, no sex, world-building
Now it came to pass, when the generations since the Time of the Shears when life became mortal were fourteen thousand, four hundred and sixty-three, that the Gods of Old became as mortals, indolent and corrupt in their ways.
Dai Yel, He of the Highest...
Notes, Religion, basecraft, cirrostratus, continuity, goldenlea, half-mortal, myth, mythology, world-building