A Building Job pt.1

Story by daxiusii on SoFurry

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Fearguil was only a 16 year old fox at the time he decided he would leave school to pursue his chosen career, he often said he wanted to be a builder, and that he felt that, seeing as it was his late fathers trade, he should also be a part of the trade. Not surprisingly fearguil's mother, Andrea, did not approve, she always felt her little pup far too creative for the laborious and thankless work of a builder. Never-the-less Fearguil found himself an apprenticeship with an experienced equine foreman known as ciminaro. At 23 and standing almost 6'7'' ciminaro was an impressive boss to work under, he knew all the technical information, all the principles of building and was a logistical wizard with organising the building sites he was in charge of. However very little of this interested Fearguil, his mind was often elsewhere whenever Ciminaro was around, namely in his pants.

It would be a lie to say that Fearguil joined the building industry purely because of Ciminaro, the truth is that he stayed in the building industry purely because of Ciminaro. In the few weeks Fearguil had been in his apprenticeship placement with Ciminaro, he had begun to feel things he'd never experienced before. The muscular body of his equine boss filled Fearguil with a fever, and oftentimes he felt like Ciminaro knew he felt this way and purposely showcased his lean form to tease Fearguil with, just out of his grasp. The truth was that Fearguil had a burning crush on Ciminaro, yet didn't know whether or not Ciminaro felt the same way. He clearly needed to either find out, or find another boss to work for.

December, and it was one of the coldest days Fearguil had ever known when Ciminaro invited him into his office. ''I notice that you havent been looking over the plans and designs'' Ciminaro began, ''now, this is the third time this week, you're beginning to slip with your work'' but Ciminaro might as well have been talking to a brick wall. His office was very warm and he was wearing nothing but a body hugging vest and a pair of scruffy jeans. Fearguils mouth was as wide as his eyes, feasting on the sight in front of him. ''errm, sir...'' Fearguil managed to form the words after some intense concentration, ''I don't know, exactly how i fell so far behind in my work, just give me another pants and I'll get it done''. ''Pants?'' enquired Ciminaro, almost suggestively. '' 'chance' sir, I meant chance, I'm just distracted is all'' the young fox was almost in a panic, and begun blushing , even breaking a sweat. All Ciminaro did was grin slightly, ''come here, take a seat'' he usher to the fox the seat opposite his own the other side of his office desk. As fearguil sat down Ciminaro closed the blinds of the window of his prefab, foreman's office. ''now, Fearguil... Lets descuss your performance on-site shall we, hmm?'' The words came so suggestively and slowly, that Fearguil's heart could have exploded that very minute. He had never come so close to what was his most secret fantasy. ''ok sir, what should we start with?'' Fearguil said, with an edge of innocence to his voice, he didn't even know what to expect, but was eager to find out... (end of pt 1)