A happy new year
Regarding him with much amusement, miguel enjoyed the banter with him; it kept him in good spirits when he felt down.
The Stages - A 22 weeks companion novella
His taloned claws tap against the wooden deck, as the rest of 'the gang' banter around a wooden picnic table nearby. "of course though, i wasn't there for that mission, you understand. not at first.
No Frills: Buford Mack Hudson
With that said, buford could be a hated or loved opponent, and he felt comfortable whether bantering with others or taking them down. ambition _young childhood_ buford became a very energetic child.
Revaramek the Resplendent: Chapters One Hundred One and One Hundred Two
\*\*\*\*\* Chapter One Hundred One \*\*\*\*\* The First built three new urd'thin to replace those who died. He returned the rest of his scattered children back to the oasis, and left them suspended in time. Now that he realized he had to build their...
Revaramek the Resplendent: Chapter Twenty Eight
Or is it a heart-wrenching mystery wrapped in an enigma shrouded in a veil of monty-python-esque comedy, inverted fantasy tropes and a constant barrage of witty banter? nah, it's probably just that first one.
Revaramek the Resplendent: Chapters One Hundred Three and One Hundred Four
"we're just bantering, that's all." "i want to banter, too." "banter doesn't work well via translation. you're just going to have to learn to speak the local languages." when nyramyn only glared at him, revaramek huffed and relented.
Chapter Ten - Reflection
_ i take a deep breath of the warm air that fills my room, a single thought resonating amongst the cacophony of banter in my head. _however it is, just go with it. don't rush anything and just go with the flow; you've got nothing to lose, do you?
Chapter XI: Dead Memories
Not risking the war effort with hysterical civilians bantering nonsense stone had the craft moved to hangar 13.
Burdens - Chapter 1: The First Day
He looked at them in between the soft chuckles they gave under their breath in a sort of attempt to have refined humor in their juvenile banter. there he was, a fox amongst dogs. different breeds, of course, but he was a different species.
Lament of the Moon S&H - Ch.06: The First Strike - Ep11
"well, we're still in the dark about this, so no point in working our brains out now, or else panja will hurt his head," hazard bantered. "hey! i think of smart things, too!" panja protested. "so, are you saying that i have this maligna?"
Early days - Chapter one
They had all been engaging in gaming banter, such phrases as.. " i kicked your ass on cod last night dude! ", and, " i got solo xp's!! " . then all of a sudden, dan sort of zoned out and murred, " whoa!
A Chance Encounter
A little playful banter between the bartender and jane and another glass of whiskey later barry's curiosity finally got the better of his introverted feelings and he decided to strike up conversation.