Spring Gardening: A Pokemon Fanfic
ash leaned back sticking out his chest. serena enjoyed rubbing the lotion into ash's chest. she felt every muscle. ash giggled when she touched his nipples, which made her laugh too.
Teddy is a happy bear
ash kind of believed everyone was, at least at some point.
The Pokemon Story: Ash vs. King Leonidas (part 1)
Apparently, ash was part of yet another legend. will ash be able to save the world from this new evil. stay tuned...
Splintered Light, Chapter 6.4: Anache u' Tonn
This chapter in its entirety has been 'hosted' by everyone's favorite tribal jackal first mate: ash-moon. since this is the final post for this chapter, it will also be the final time ash-moon takes a -1 to his fate.
Book One--Chapter One: Five Years Ago
ash and luca were walking to ash's house after school. they had gotten their test scores back in physics class, and ash had once again gotten the highest score.
Rhys' Early Birthday
#2 of familt matters the following story is told from rhys' view. there will be another one form ash's eyes as well. ash awoke the next morning wrapped in rhys' arms.
The Ashchu and Pikachu Series
"i don't know, ash," the voice said. ash turned around and he saw his pikachu walking up to him, eyeing him curiously. ash couldn't believe what he had just heard. did his pikachu just speak to him? "pikachu, was that you?" ash asked.
Splintered Light, Chapter 6.3: Oani Hama
This chapter in its entirety will be 'hosted' by everyone's favorite tribal jackal first mate: ash-moon. as such, with each post unless otherwise noted, ash-moon will be spending 1 fate. in this post, ash-moon spends some time with mr.
The Pokemon Story: Ash vs. King Leonidas (part 2)
Mew said as it gave ash a stone tablet. "alright! let's do it! for humans and pokemon everywhere!" ash exclaimed. "ok!" pikachu said, since ash could now understand him. meanwhile, in the cave area, king leonidas watched his new rival.
Heritage of Ash Chapter 2: Foreboding
Redoing of chapter 2. hopefully this is a longer, more detailed version. enjoy ^^ **heritage of ash-ch. 2: foreboding** it was just before midday, the burning sun's lingering over the smoldering remains of the once overseer's manor.
Silly Little Ash (Pokemon Story)
As i looked through the red lid, with my arms crossed, i saw ash come into veiw. tek called out to him. "so your the big trainer ash ketchum, correct?" he asked, flinging his black hair back. ash turned around and nodded. "yeah i am.
Born from the Ashes - Chapter I
My deepest thanks for it goes to incredible friend of mine foxohki all characters in the story belongs to me with one exception volga © to http://weirdhyena.deviantart.com/ - who has no profile, as far as i know, here on sofurry **born from the ash: first