Before and After - Braydon
October 20, 2018 - after the bgr @ wpg pre-season game it caught desdemona by surprise when simon said he wasn't going to come out with her and braydon after dinner.
Before and After - Desi
Gutierrez hadn't repeated her earlier order to come and see her after the practice - in fact, the gorilla had just headed over towards her office right after practice. desi could probably just leave if she felt like it.
Pokemon - TOTGM - After Story Special - 8
I didn't kill him but i don't think he's ever gonna be quite the same after the blow he took.
Pokemon - TOTGM - After Story Special - 16
after a slight bow, the waiter left as the girls looked at the offering before them. "alright... so these are for you..." be began, handing each a glass of tea after placing straws in them.
After the Storm - Part 15
#17 of after the storm see this, school!? huh!? look at what i did!!! not giving two shits about the final exams!!! (okay... i give 'a' shit...)
After the war: An old heart
I should have looked after him like i should have" he grimaced and let out a long sigh.
After The Storm (Chapter 2)
#2 of after the storm ok, here is the second chapter of 'after the storm'. its a short chapter. im still thinking on what to do next so don't expect the next part uploaded very soon. just been busy with work and personal issues. but i made the effort to put
After the war: A second chance
#6 of after the war **hey everyone, draco978** **it has been a hectic week for me again, and i'm supposed to be on a holiday!
After the war: Painful memories
#5 of after the war **hello! draco978 here!** **first of an appolgy, this chapter is quite short and nothing overly exciting happens in it.
After the war: Under the moonlight
\* this is now part of my new series i'm experimenting with, "after the war". read it!!!
After the war: A rough journey
"no, i'll eat after your have. i'd hate to see you go hungry." cynder nodded slightly and dived in, ripping a huge chunk out of the steak. after she had her fill, spyro finished the rest off.
Life Here After - Prologue
Uncertainty arose in the world and for years after the war everything stood still. much of the land had either changed due to war or succumbed to natural disasters.