W., 1961-2006 ... we have toblerone in your honor, always)
The Gamer's Crossing 5 - Mining For Mirth
Pondering over the words, he felt betrayed at first, but then he noticed the calendar near the cash register, marking the 7th of february 2006. he didn't realise the year, having never been told what year it was. and then he realised.
Chapter Two Going to the Park
She had picked a 2006 aston martian db9 sports pack. "whoa, when did you get that?" darin asked. "oh i bought it a long time ago. i just never drove it around much. it was a special order. i asked for the wheel to be on the right side."
Migratory Birds- Chapter 6- Nightforest
Copyright 2002, 2006 by kodayu. thanks for reading.
Horfie, the Selective Service Elf
This was in late november of 2006. it was almost as loud as the jets that would often woosh by overhead. andrew tried to fight it, wrapping his flattened pillow around his head, but a jolt of anxiety sprang him into consciousness.
W.O.L.F. 5 - Darwin Zones
By sharpfang tue jul 4 14:29:49 cest 2006
Tania's Boundless Appetite
. -=-=-=-=-=- this story was written and copyright 2006-2009 by theo winters, reposting and archiving are allowed as long as this copyright notice and the author's name are not removed.
It all comes together
Please leave comments... please... :( ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Halen whimpered as he bounded up the steps to the castle. He had made it past the front gates easily enough, the guards didn't even try to stop...
Colors of Destiny Ch.4
Author's Note: Hi guys, Another Chapter I am on fire! And I got so many good reviews from you guys I just am so lucky I found so wonderful people on twitter! PLEASE READ THIS BEFORE ANYTHING But there is something everyone is saying: My grammar....
Lonely Oak Chapter 32
Nine in the morning. The clouds had not yet broken in the sky. The air about was sweet with the smell of oncoming rain, half a month early. The grass was still a little wet with dew. There was a bit of a chill, which made the proceeding fifteen...
Samantha's Third Chance Chapter 3
As the neared the town Samantha stops while still in the woods. With her keen eye sight she sees a pair of human guards. With out a second thought she changes to human. She looks down at Jackie and smiles. Jackie looks up at her wide eyed and jaw...
Sibling Transformations
This was the day, my life changed forever. It all started on Sunday night, when I was walking home from a late-night baseball game with my friends. It was dark, and warm. My brown hair was kept out of my face by the light breeze. I was panting and...