Chiricov- Back Story: Part 1
Our summer vacation home... i shrieked as i saw it, excited as we neared the door. my dad, a high-up diplomat was out of his usual serious character, everyone needs a vacation here and there.
What was it?
It ended when i confessed my love to you right before the summer vacation started. i thought you knew but saw nothing but shocked and went out of the class and didn't return.
Preview of my soon to be released series High School Secret
For the longest time i thought i was normal, but this summer vacation changed everything i thought to be true. it was mid july when it happened, i woke up with this extreme back pain as if my skin was boiling and falling off.
The Last Resort Story - Prologue (text)
The peak of the summer vacation season was long over now.
Dragon Prince ch.1
Daniel wore a muscle shirt and some boxers because it's the day of his very long summer vacation (2 years) he ran down stairs and saw an old black dragon with short white hair and a beard that has both black and white hair.
Deaths demise (ch1)
-summer vacation; dale was ten when his mother took him on a pick-nick, dales mother was a lovely red fox but was distant and never paid much attention to dale, his father had left so when his mother asked him to do anything together he was ecstatic.
Poolside Mystery
"and you don't have a summer vacation because you don't actually go to school!" the foxyote leaned back against the bench. "doesn't mean i can't appreciate the concept!" calex crossed his arms.
The Sword in the Pebble
He was on summer vacation. he could figure it out later. and besides, who knew? there might be a sequel and a second villain he had to take down.
Conquering a Fear
His gym teacher told the class that there was going to be a mandatory timed swimming part of the gym class' final exam in 1 week, in preparation for summer vacation.
The magic candle
After summer vacation, he gonna life with two good friends. the share a appartment together, so they can split the bill. it was on a late evening, a few day before halloween, when the boys came back from a concert.
The Analog Kid
This entire summer vacation had been one long day after another after another, filled with all kinds of meandering around the summery city known as miami.
A Bookworm's First Love Ch.3
That was the shortest summer vacation of my life." patrick said as he stretched. "maybe it won't be so bad. maybe we'll all have the same classes this year!" christina smiled. "i hope so. last year, we never got the same classes.