Competitive Spirit
(A/N: This is my part of a trade with [Jokermask18]( A.K.A. [JWAPPEL]( Annabelle Charles was a 17-year-old with blonde hair that reached her mid-back and jade...
Halloween Spirit
"has no halloween spirit in it. i shall help this place by decorating it!" so the squirrel did just that.
Odd Countermeasures -- Chapter 4 -- Part Three -- {Trials and Tribulations}
It might not be in the form of the soul step, raiki's spirit chains or my spirit blades. we'll just wait and see, maybe you'll be a special case." kiyoshi spoke a bit heartily, being happy that jason had been admitted into the htfs. a new student, hm?
Chapter 1: The Judgement of Lily Marks
Since hitler isn't in spirit bound, i used lily... !!!!! spoiler alert !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!! spoiler alert !!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! spoiler alert !!!!!
Just Breathe - Chapter 5
We may be bound through the spirits, but neither crane nor i are very pleased with the timing here." i feel like i'm lecturing henry again.
As the mother and her children took their last breaths, they turned over their souls to the spirit, and the spirit accepted them.
The Charred Legacy - Chapter 1 - The Therian
What did this spirit expect it could do?... what was it meant to accomplish... it quickly abandoned the stupid idea the spirit told it and made a plan to find a boat... get out of this nightmare.
Chapter 4: The Labors of Lily Marks—Part 3 (WIP)
This chapter contains spoiler material for anyone who has not read through chapter 88 of spirit bound. i recommend reading through chapter 88 before reading this story. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! spoiler alert !!!!! !!!!!!!!!! spoiler alert !!!!!!!!!! !!!!!
A duel between friends.
Clevel=0) | [spirit silverwing]( "you are wrong. i am much without my spells."
Initial Survey of Quaisholm Cave Paintings, Origin Unknown, presumed Upper Mesolithic
It was reasonable, to be sure, it was understandable to fear the spirit world and the spirits that dwelt there. spirits were unknowable and invisible and worked in ways none could understand.
The earthquake started getting worse. As the gang ran as fast as they could, they were having trouble keeping themselves balanced. Some nearly fell over as the shakes grew stronger. They could hear a loud banging noise, and knew that the mountain was...
The Summoner - Chapter 1
The great spirit had reached the lake, and i was alone in the beach. i stood up and spoke with a commanding voice "spirit, i beseech audience with you! show yourself to me!" the bellow rang once more, clattering in my ears.