Chapter 4: The Labors of Lily Marks—Part 3 (WIP)

Story by FarmWolf on SoFurry

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#4 of The afterLife of Lily Marks

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This chapter contains SPOILER material for anyone who has not read through Chapter 88 of Spirit Bound. I recommend reading through Chapter 88 before reading this story.

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!!!!! SPOILER ALERT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Spirit Bound universe copyright (c) plainwalk

This story is copyright (c) FarmWolf

The Labors of Lily Marks--Part 3 (WIP)

Lily and Muireann's ears perked up when they heard a sound from another part of the forest. Someone was coming their way. Soon, a Wolf stepped into view. As he came closer, they saw that he had tan and brown markings, with what looked like green flecks all over his body.

"Hello!" he called. "I'm glad to meet you." When he got closer, he did a double take. "Muireann?"

Recognition lit up her face. "Patrick?"

Lily's eyes widened. "You two know each other?"

"Yes," said Muireann. "I just wish we could've met under better circumstances. Oh! Where are my manners? Lily, this is Patrick, from my Clan. Patrick, Lily, a Fur from Nova Scotia."

"A pleasure to meet you, Lily." Patrick lightly grasped her paw in his and bowed his head. "I never got to the New World, but I went all over Ireland and parts of Scotland, working." His face darkened and his ears drooped. "At least I did that for half my life. The second half of my life was only half a life."

"We were friends," Muireann said, "and spent lots of time commiserating about being 'prisoners' in the Clan."

"I loved meeting new people." Patrick explained. "When I couldn't leave the Clan regularly, talking to the same people got old too fast. Long story short, I... couldn't handle it."

"Patrick committed suicide a few months before I died. I didn't have many friends--my own fault--and I took his loss poorly. Perhaps I could've done more to help him, but I was stuck with my own issues."

Lily froze in shock for a moment. When she recovered, she hugged Muireann briefly, then hugged Patrick. "I'm so sorry. Being here has helped Muireann and me. Has it helped you any? Oh, and is there anything we could do?"

"I've been helped greatly by being here, yes," said Patrick. "And there is something you could do. I was told that sending pure positive energy to people in my situation in the physical world will help pay off my own 'debt.' I can show you how to do that if you like."

"Can we send this 'pure positive energy' to the Clan in general?" asked Muireann. "If I felt like I did about things, there must be others who need some relief."

"Yes we can." To begin, we should be in a circle, and focus on the most pleasant things we can."

Lily's ears perked up. "If that's how this works, I know the perfect place to do it."