Music review - I swear I saw your mouth move by I've made too much pasta

The song talks about the aimlessness of his life, through imagery of aliens without space ships, his willingness to believe in anything, but the lack of anything to worship and how he has teeth, but he's left without anything worth eating.

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Work In Progress

Woulfe was helping his family with a brand new device, a time-space portal generator, it promised to open up space travel to the planet in ways that would make going by space ship old hat, not that anyone on the planet could fit in any kind of spaceship that

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Chapter 1: Fuzzy Feeling

He dressed in a simple pair of black shorts and a t-shirt with a mock up of a space ship flying around a planet. shirt was black to accommodate the stars dotted all over the shirt.

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Face in the Mirror Chapters 1 and 2

-if-anyone-is-a-birdbrain-i'd-think-it's-you- for-blowing-a-hole-in-the-wall-in-a-space-ship.-of-all-the-stupid-things-i-mean-this -was-really-stuipid,-you-could've-doomed-us-all-but-i'll-forget-it-if-you-don't-make- me-go-i-really-hate-needles.

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D.E1 Chapter 10: Inevitable fate

Many days ago, r105 had crossed paths with an immense space ship of undetermined origins. they had interest on who was in control of this apparently massive ship as well as with their intentions.

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Starfox: Needin' Some Lovin' Ch 10

"it's a bunch of little girls in their little space ships," said leon in as creepy a way as he could. "lets have some fun with them." the three wolfen opened fire.

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A Dragon's Tale-The Star's Journey-Chapter 19-Guess Who?

Tyranny pushed them open and the old styled, dark oak temple gave way to what i was pretty sure was a space ship. the metal room was almost 60 feet up and nearly 120 feet in every direction.

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Windows to the Soul - chap. 5-6 - by Skyfox

"i'm not just on a space ship with creatures from another planet, but i'm in another _galaxy?_ holy crap..." ajagi and storm were again confused by sarah's use of words. storm took over the answering of her questions.

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Hope from the Embers

Pieces of the space ships still floated in the air, scientists were apparently developing a way to quickly get rid of the rubbish.

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Pathogenesis: A White Warning

His daughter is taking his newest luxury space ship on an unauthorized mission through draconic space." she traced a finger along the edge of her captain's earring and gave a resigned sigh.

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Tails of the Stars 2 - Meet the Team

The only friend i ever had is back home, she might be dead for saving me from a fucking army of fascist pricks who probably fucked her dead because i fucking black out and end up in another planet and then in a goddamn space ship and i don't know why

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