Watch Out Australia, Here Comes The Racers

Whoever watched their partner eat rice must jump into the water and swim 100 feet away towards buoys, which carry a flag with their team's faces on it.

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TLOS legend of the black dragon chapter 26 watching friends

For her today had been very unremarkable, just watching the battles of her friends. flannery's match had been a good one and also ember had been a fun one to watch. inge did feel a little bad about her loss to ember yesterday.

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The Line Of Life Or Death - Chapter Two - Watch Your Fingers

#2 of the line of life or death the line of life or death - chapter two - watch your fingers   chapter two is here. for those who have kept reading from chapter one, good for you (maybe).

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Lyris and Lyal's Lulliby

Angels watching over me, my lord. all night, all day. angels watching over me.

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The Witch, the Train, and the Pocketwatch

You see this watch?\* imagine opens the watch to reveal the face of the beautiful looking gold watch. what was inside was not what you would expect from a pocket watch.

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A Snakish Attraction

Why would she think that, and why was she watching a show about a snake? despite that, she kept watching, like one morbidly would watch a movie they know they don't like just to see how bad it was.


Nearly There Chp. 2 - Distractions.

Sliding my paw along the top of the table as he stood there watching me, his ear had started to twitch as he looked at me, watching as he started to open his maw again i quickened my motions.

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Jeremy 048; Dominic

He tried another approach with patomes and watched was the crow turned to him after activating the changes. asking again he watched as the bird tried unsuccessfully to speak to him.

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Friends Got Talent! Part 1

He said watching his friend's eyes follow the watch once again. "now breathe in," he said doing the motion, "and breathe out." tom began breathing with him in unison.

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