Disintegration: Chapter 3

From there, ishtar waltzed towards several members of her warpack as her voice filled the air. "the area is secure! return to the infantry transport, and leave any humans to the garrison forces.

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Opponents of Dusk Chapter 1;You're a Titan now

And of course the big guy of the group, a jet black wolf with long dreadlocks down the back of his head."...either you are a new guy or you are the new titan if you waltz in here without our authorization."said the german shepherd."um...both actually."


Opponents of Dusk Chapter 1;You're a Titan now

And of course the big guy of the group, a jet black wolf with long dreadlocks down the back of his head."...either you are a new guy or you are the new titan if you waltz in here without our authorization."said the german shepherd."um...both actually."


22 Weeks 'till home - Teaser

You teach a man to soldier for shy on twenty years and then just expect him to waltz on back to civilian life like he knows what he's doing, yeah, it's makes for some personality quirks.

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From End to Beginning

He waltzed up saying to himself "don't flirt, don't flirt,..." josh was given the curse of a natural flirt. it doesn't even matter what gender they are, he flirts with everybody in every form possible.

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When Standing

"how many years have carnivores on the other side of town, just waltzed into our streets and homes, unprovoked, to rape and desecrate us and where we live? that's what this march is about. nowhere else in the country does this happen.

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I watched the slow waltz of the doomed, still searching for her. while i saw many that were familiar, she was still lost. the iron grey clouds of morning greeted me as i resumed my search.

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Meet the Studs: Joao, the Dark Wall of Dragon Meat

Try new things when relaxed and off the clock, and has such gained an appreciation for watching contact sports(and the salty outburts that comes with it), classic rock thanks to robin and her obscene music collection, and is even gifted at the art of the waltz

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The wet fox part two

All, dean respounded with storking her head and she purred happly, then dean moved his head to her's and they kissed, emma respounded with a kiss too then she got up and snoged dean, dean and emma where now both very horny so emma turned off the dvd and waltzed

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Surviving Solitude part 10

I don't trust him because he just waltzed on up to nate and was trying to seduce him or something. also they saw each other naked already, with me in the room! even worse he was smelling my pillow."

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Amber Silverblood: Silverpack, Chapter Thirty Five

What kind of protection are you idiots supposed to be giving us if hendricks can just waltz right up to my house?" "i've been saying that for months," i quipped.

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023 - Prime pt.06

Chloe drags butters to an approximation of the centre of the room (they are, i must stress, still in a massive fuck off warehouse), paw in paw the two waltz in the centre stage, as elegantly as you possibly can while several tinnies in.

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