Autopilot (Otherwise Untitled)

~ With a crushing lack of contact with the remainder of the patrol flight, the light strike fighter banked sharply around another asteriod as the pursuers continued to hold their distance outside of the collection of rocks, wreckage, and ice. The nose...

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Detention (Otherwise Untitled)

~ The phoenix could see two things in her cell that were quite out of the ordinary. Remaining persistently in her line of view was the duct tape haphazardly around her beak, sealing it shut. The other matter was also heard, as the naked wolf sat a few...

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Pop (Otherwise Untitled)

~ In the rumbling din of the theater, the squirrel first noticed when her popcorn seemed damp. After a pause in the action, when the characters tumbled into a well lit room to express their feelings and goals to each other, she looked down to find a...

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Paperwork (Otherwise Untitled)

~ The length of the room was a broad expanse of silence and dark, while the gryphon quietly reckoned that the floor was a great deal harder than it had been the moment before the net had arrived atop him. He struggled somewhat, and felt the soft...

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Coffee. (Otherwise Untitled)

~ Victoria leaned back in her chair, seated at the kitchen counter. This was no time for delays such as walking into the kitchen or strolling to dining room. She had quite reasonably sat herself down right in front of the action. The coffee maker...

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Not Grapes (Otherwise Untitled)

~ The fox stood alone in his kitchen, consoled by the dull rattle of the refrigerator straining to moan back to life. The partially complete sandwich on the counter seemed to mock him, as he again took inventory of the contents. ~ "Tomato.. grilled...

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Conclusions (Otherwise Untitled)

~ The Synth could only hear what was felt amongst the frame of the ship and up through their seat. It was difficult to see much of the controls or what was left of the cockpit over the flames and glow of metal being abraded from portions of the ship. A...

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Untitled Poem about Fireflies

Snatch > The dying embers of sunset> Tickle your hand> Like the ocean of dark green below The sky Look > The treasure in a shaky prison> Light shining> Unabated by fear Inside Find > The twitching probes> Recalling dim memories> Yearning for the...

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A Song Best Left Untitled

I can't seem to get the feelings I have out of my head, about a certain little lady I know. And every day that we're apart, my love and longing for her seems to grow. Can't help but feel I made a mistake saying goodbye. Every time I think of her, it...


Patience and Chill (Otherwise Untitled)

~ The crisp dunes of the sand moon shimmered softly as Mac's orbit brought her into another sunrise. Her muzzle curled into a bit of a smile, as dancing shades of yellow slid across the ice sheets of the planet below. The hyena sighed, pressing her...

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Turn it Over (Otherwise Untitled)

~ The hyena floated her way down the long corridor of the derelict ship, which itself was somewhat freshly set adrift by whatever went awry between the engines and deep space debris. She counted the doors aloud to herself as she slide through the hard...

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