A Shawkingly Good Christmas Break
Scientists think that a ufo was sighted... no... oh, here's one. oh, wait, it's a news clipping from the cold war..." the next few minutes basically passed in that fashion before the news came back online.
My Little Kickaha
Kickaha was sure it definitely had to be calex, but before he could un-u the ufo, it crashed directly into him, landing on his back with a loud thud. "okay, so flying is easy, but landings are hard." calex's voice came from kickaha's back.
Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 98: Searching For A Perfect World We Will Never Find (The Dawn Of Civilization Part V)
Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire **Chapter 98: Searching For A Perfect World We Will Never Find (The Dawn Of Civilization Part V)** _Meanwhile...._ Day 200 (9:30 PM A glacier far to the west of World Three.) "Wow, so snowy and cold." Kiwi...
The Life of Another - Chapter 18 (Clean Version)
I'm going to sit here and be so boring i won't even react if a ufo lands and the alien pilots eat my breakfast._ in the five minutes it took colton to finish his work i tossed back both of my over-easy eggs and my hashbrowns.
Dex and Miles: Wild Force - 2021
"that one," he pointed at the home that had a crashed stereotypical ufo in their front yard. it even had the crater, smoke, and sparks too. the house was across the street, and there was a crowd heading towards it.
My Boyfriend is a Werewolf: Chapter 21
He charged out and grabbed zoe by the face slamming the back of her head into the rudder of a beached and vandalized ufo boat. gunter swooped in and picked up ian whose face was swelling up to the point of it becoming unrecognizable.
My Boyfriend is a Werewolf: Chapter 3
The light beamed down on him like a ufo as it were about to abduct someone. he turned away from the brightness groaning as he tried to pull the pillow over his big furry head. his mother walked in and looked at him intensely.
Zistopia: Inner City Blues Chapter 15
While neither of us stare at her accusingly, i do get the feeling she thinks we think she just said her husband was taken by ufos or something. i've heard about the police doing some bad things.
Counter Earth Chronicles Dual Realities Chapter 36: Trouble Me (We Go Down Together Part II)
Counter Earth Chronicles - Dual Realities **Chapter 36: Trouble Me (We Go Down Together Part II)** October 1st, YOE 35 7:00 AM Madam Olga's Psychic Truths (World One) "Spirit!" I growled as I became bound to the partial beastial. "Well, it seemed...
10 - ATOI&F - And Then There Was Silence...
"you know all the ufo sightings, way back when? well, now it's supernatural stuff that's getting all the press. we've gotten reports of literal demons running around the lake placid area.