A Bronze Rising: The Theatre

I desired stone for the bottom of my amphitheatre because i didn't want to tread the dirt into mud under me. there was a small source of stone known to exist in the forest, but no actual quarry had been formed.

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The Lesser Known One

Wolf became a respected if immoral mercenary, while his older brother treaded down the less respected and more dangerous path...of a hit man.

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She stopped a reasonable distance away from the rock and treaded water again. arc reached the top, hoisting herself over the rocks edge and kneeling at the top.

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My Last Decision

Or will i tread on? will i be free will i be myself in a snowstorm? or will the breath go on will i be me or i will i have been me? yes or no?

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Focus, focus, and ... ... tread, tread ... ... creak ... and ... ... stop. stop. hold your breath! even with her thick winter pelt, a plunge into the ice ... would be certain death.

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Sneaky night

So up he sprang, right out of bed, sneaking out with silent tread. he made it through the window, he slid down the spout, he thought he was so clever, he thought he made it out.


graveyard men - poem

#3 of poetry collection poem no. 3 they say they meet in graveyards where the leaves crunch and crumble where the men meet under the moonlight rumored has it to drink and mumble down the sidewalk they'll come paving their path in groups treading along

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Magical Mayhem Sorcerous Familiar Chapter Five

._ the further he tread the thicker the forest became. lengthening until it stretched beyond the horizon. whether he had walked for miles or a single step it mattered not. here he was subject to the whims of its creator.

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Keshet's Adventure: The Power a Name can Hold

"your scared" i say treading carefully with the words i choose, "but of what? all i said was chris and you've been acting like your about to get pounced." the wolf looked around once more then shook her head as if to clear her thoughts.



Choices lead where you want them to, desires tread where you war to achieve. whatever awaits you at the end, whoever accompanies you int he trip, wherever your final destination is, wherefore you strive to that end.

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this song is I don't really know how to put a title on it

Car you ran me over with.never did i think love was so bitter and cold,love is getting to old for me.who even cares about me becaus eone loves me.i'm the blade of the scrafice that kills the mice of silence.this story never end with everyone dead i with tread


The Jade Emperor

Who dares to tread on his domain? who dares attack those sheltered under his mighty wings? fear you should the dragon's flame and the mighty fires of his anger. the mighty dragon is not a figurehead or a chess piece to be moved around at will.

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