Cooper Clan Secrets part 2
Claire smirked" so then you don't mind me telling him that his father was a thief...or maybe his ancestors were thieves.."
Shopping time
Drew and the two officers continued the persecution of the two thieves. "here electabuzz from the 6j section of the mall! the thieves want to escape with the money, block all the exits!" says electabuzz by walkie-talkie.
the dragomon sage3
"thieves huh? nothing new," samantha, trying to get her cards back stood up straight though she still only reached alex's thigh. "if you are so used to thieves, why make it so easy for us to get in?" "i have no need of security.
Shopping time
Drew and the two officers continued the persecution of the two thieves. "here electabuzz from the 6j section of the mall! the thieves want to escape with the money, block all the exits!" says electabuzz by walkie-talkie.
Bonus Material: Notes from Fugitive's Trust
Using the thieves' cant in the book is a little tricky. i have to keep it just vague enough to be believable, but still have it be understandable.
Sheriff Sierra Wright Ref Sheet
**_history_** sierra was born into a family of raccoon thieves and criminals, an unortunate stereotype for her kind due to the natural eye-masks that adorn their faces.
Servant of Darkness - Ch. 1: Intrusion
Only a novice would fail to get the door open, and he had fifty years of thieving under his belt.
Immortal, Season 2 - Chapter 19 - Revelations Amongst Frauds
The thieves below rushed around them ground being bitten and attack. as they did some burst into flame turning to ashes and slowly resurrected from a fire pit in the center.
Riddles in the Road
"you break xenia with your thieving." "i broke what?" reynard asked, wiggling one finger in his ear. "xenia, you illiterate swine! hospitality! gods above and below, how have you not come to a messy end already?"
Commission Story for Zohaku-Being Powerless doesn't mean being helpless
Now honestly after getting captured by team rocket more than one you would think that the trio would actually be a bit wiser about running after the thieves.
A Patient Death 24: Gift Horse
What was left of the 'army of thieves' had attacked the city head-on, moving as if reinforced from hieron. thinking the lake would protect their flanks, nurjan had over-extended.
Servant of Darkness - Ch. 4: The Guild
The dwarf found it endlessly entertaining that jinn couldn't handle the two younger thieves and their constant questions. "can't we come to?" petrus whined. "no.