Evolution Part I: Chapter Twenty-one

I sniffed the whole thing over, smelling the tang of the plastic, but also something more, something quite delectable.

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Bruise Vision

Acrid tang of ill omens. portents.

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Spiral Nebula - Chapter 21

Fully armored, he was still able to check his pawpad for the images that the scientist, tang fa, retrieved from the wolf squad of the suspected "keys".

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Relishing in the rich aroma of the moist earth she stood upon and the piney tang of the trees she had lurched her head above to risk a quick peek over their crowns at her objective. "are you ready?"

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Cosmic Stars - Chapter Seventeen

"all of these are speculations for now," admiral alexander continued after tang fa finished.

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On the Playlist #1

He took a deep breath, inhaling the tang of the salty sea air. it burned in his lungs, where it usually felt cool and soothing. everything hurt.

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Clown Mare 6

With a tang of the sound of gold as he was levitating with his magic that you saw both of your eyes. the wind blowing in the cave with a small dust flying into the slaves. both of you felt that nice good wind on parts of their bodies.

Death Kiss 4

I put on a low tang top and a push up bra, than i slip my long legs into a thong and put on a mini skirt. i grab some hair spray and style my hair making it have volume. i concentrate and my tail goes away. "hey kyle, i am going out."

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Kovu and Mipa: Kovu's Journey

He could almost smell the delicious tang of it. wait...he could smell it. and it was coming from ahead of him! from the mirage? "that's no mirage," kovu croaked lowly, trying to irritate his parched throat as little as possible.

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New Horse In Town: Bound For Colorado, cont'd

The pungent tang of the sauce on the hot gravy perked his hunger, and he began shoveling food into his muzzle without waiting for the salsa. and no wonder. he'd already been driving nearly five hours on an empty belly.

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Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 2: Chapter 5

Love heart opened the duo-tang and waited until everyone was listening, "from now on, i will be training you, physically, magically and in the use of tummy symbol powers.


Legacy Final Epilogue

"after your last adventure, tang made sure that i at least have a copy of my programming on your vessel to help you out," answered fury. the ai even chuckled.

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