Hunting Death-Collapse

To think of me giving away what i am simply because i got sick and let him stick a stick in my mouth.

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Invane: Rear Fret

"that is just a stick..." i commented, pointing out the obvious. yet haziyo shook his head and held it to my face, "glue stick." "i guess you guys could not find a clock at all huh?"

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Pokemon - TOTGM - After Story Special - 3

Glancing at the stick the pokemon had dropped, he reached out and took it in hand as well, making the pokemon tense up before he offered the stick back. "" chris coaxed.

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*PDS* Muriel And Oscar's Snowman - 2013

Lifting the sticks high enough was a problem, which was solved by oscar lifting her up with her holding one stick with each foot.

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Space for a time.

Better toss another stick of butter into the ripper.

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Suncrest - Chapter 2

He knew the rabbit was big, but he'd only eaten one rotisserie stick. how was he already so full he could barely move? lying back in the grass, he could hear the other meat sticks taunting his weakness.

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I'm dying...and you don't even care?

She grabs her walking stick and goes to find the door. when she grabbs the metal door knob and it burnt her hand. she pulled her shirt up and put around the knob to open it. pulling the door open her fur gets warm.

On Transcending Wings

Small humans threw hard rocks and rotten food while the bigger humans jabbed him with long sticks. the throwing of objects he could care less about, but some of the bigger humans had sharpened the ends of their sticks.

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An Era of Chivalry 4 - How To Train Your Raptor

Glenn slowly swung his stick from his right hand as did james, clacking his stick against the other's before it was repeated again.

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Mushrooms, Turtles and Pipes, Oh My! 9 - Dusty Dunes

Swinging it out once more, james dodged the heavy bag before whacking the thief hard with both sticks. one stick straight down onto the shoulder, the other stick knocking down the elbow of the same arm.

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Minimum Wage Wrestling #4

He sees something, a kendo stick? he grabs on it and pulls it out to reveal not a kendo stick, but a giant pixi-stick. "a pixi-stick? what in the holy hell?" he exclaims completely bewildered, "what kind of hardcore match is this?! this isn't hardcore!"

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