
"just so you know, that's right at the never exceed speed on the doors. they might rip off and we'll all die. but assuming you knew that, i expect that speed in about two minutes."

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thordani race stats

speed: your base walking speed is 20 feet. flight: you have a flying speed of 40 feet. to use this speed, you can't be wearing heavy armor. keen sight: you have advantage on perception checks that rely on sight.

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Chapter 1: Record Breaker

The speed indicator moved steadily higher; already he was going 250 times the speed of light and accelerating fast. his goal would be 5000, which he had nearly reached last time.

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The Fastest Lap

Squeezing more speed from the r34, he dared to top out at 112mph before reeling it back in for the hairpin.

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D.E1 Chapter 20: The Planet II

A quick glance to the speed gauge indicated mach 2.5. the sound of the wind suddenly stopped as so did the deep grunt of the engine. these sounds were now too slow to keep up with the speed of my ship.

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Track Meet #1

From experience, tips, and learning from my own mistakes, i've trained to not start off with a sprint or else i would lose speed and tire myself out.

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Chapter 3: Expect the Unexpected

Of the many improvements the team had made to the experimental, the most important had been removing the standard warp engines and tuning the transwarp drive to power it from the speed of light up to the speed they were currently testing.

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The Final Drive

The nmv was no longer toying with him as it had been, it was going full speed, a speed to match the sports car, the only advantage lance had was superior handling.

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chapter 6-Mavericks guilt

"and how was ryan's speed and stamina?" he asked curiously. "for a second lesson he was incredible, his top speed was not that much less than spyros, as for his stamina, he could last at his top speed for about three-quarts as long as spyro."

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Kieran vs Sash. Tenacity vs Pride

He bellowed as he waved his paw and all of the swords shot forward to kieran at blinding speeds. kieran raised his sword and swung at much faster speeds than just his bankai alone, parrying and deflecting each of the swords that came his way.

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I Applied for a Delivery Job and Got Turned Into a Flying Reindeer?! Chapter Thirteen

Lena had said she'd never seen anyone with his natural gift for speed. of course, speed meant nothing without skill.

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