The Surge: An Argon Story (Scenary) [how do I do the i mg thing ?] [For you fellow furres out there, this is NOT a furre story but a Alien story set in a very distant future so no hate] Prologue: Humming softly in the main library area...

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Reference Sheet

_paragon_ - nick's spaceship. equipped with state-of-the-art stealth technology and lightly armed.

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Space Warrior Hitachi 2 - The Quest for More Money

You know how, in the old films with aliens invading spaceships, the crew always spend a whole mass of oodles of time hunting around in the tunnels for the thing?

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Chapter V: Wishmaster, Part Two

He opened the spaceships door and the detective groaned as kory pulled him into the ship. his skin was burned and the priest didn't want to look at any more than he had to.

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Chapter II: The Halo Trident System

Dwight said as he grabbed a crowbar and manually pulled open the spaceship's doors.

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Thirteen Tales From Another World: Eleventh Tale

But, considering how small the spaceship was that could be a terrible idea that sent him plummeting to his doom. the door was the better option. "hey! are you even paying attention to me?" ra'ntau demanded.

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Lost in space...

Away from earth.i got accepted as a programmer, basic maintenance,they targeted furies because we were outcastsdethatched from earth.most of us did not have a solid relationshipand we were hardworking and cheap.we were all on the intergalactic expressthe spaceship

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Distress Signal

But no matter where he looked he couldn't find any trace of a spaceship. no fuel trail, no debris, not even a light. well there was a light, but it didn't look like any signal that a spaceship would have.

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Out of Time, Out of Space (Full Story)

As i explained earlier, rusty and i were in my spaceship when..." "spaceship? what spaceship? no spaceship can navigate void space. there is no "space" here to travel through. and we are outside normal space.

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Science for the Sci-fi Writer: Dark Matter

In this story, it's basically used as a catch-all magic space dust, that can heal the spaceship like its living tissue, power the ship, and cloak it.

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A Sprint on Fumes (Otherwise Untitled)

#81 of short stories a fox and her mentor perform routine maintenance aboard a mostly mothball'd spaceship before being interrupted.

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Genesis Part Five, Conquest Of Furegon Part:1

**Furegon Genesis Part 5** Conquest Of Furegon. Pt1 By, Charrio (Charles Uriarte) Furegon had been under watch for years before the first Colony ship was even started. Probes and sattilites launched from human vessels had been keeping a passive...

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