Interlude 17

And considering how the pace which the revolt was spreading with, it was necessary for earth to fall as quickly as possible. once his own fleet was ready to set sail and blockade the planet, things were going to get better everywhere else.


The Sable Islands

The pirates soon started manufacturing gunpowder and explosives for the next ten years, helping fuel various revolts and coup d'etats over the decade until the native maori had enough of them then went to war with them.

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I'm Alien or a Time-Traveller... or something. (Eight)

I believe i might revolt and go on a killing spree now that my wits are available to me." she frowned at him, gingerly took a hold of his finger and extricated it from her arm; her patience had worn thin "don't even joke."

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Forgotten CH 7

"you really are revolting." he pull a kitchen knife from somewhere behind him. i was laughing to much to know where. i watched as he pulled his arm back and threw it foreword to slash my throat. it didn't happen.

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Breathing Life--Chapter One

Deyniir shrugged and maneuvered through the concentric circles of floor 19 dreadfully excited for an history test and lecture on the modern impact of the bertrathian empire, its hording of magical knowledge, and the plebeian revolts against the royalty.

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Chapter 4

Lycan came to her for all manner of things, the most common being tonics and poultices for injuries dating back to the revolt. freya tried her best to be polite and courteous but every customer she met with sent shivers down her spine.

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Astral High - Chapter 37

"well, this is revolting to watch." [titus] "don't ruin this for me!" [jeran] "god, you're such a wimp. sorry... whore, is more accurate." [garrick] "you're just gonna call him whore for no reason? that's logical."

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Evolution's Gate Ch.1 - Snivy's Story

I heard the revolting muk say from behind me. he was holding some kind of sludge in his right hand, which i honestly couldn't tell if it was condiments or another missing piece from his brain.

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Ace Ch1

Landon asked "head against the wall by anew revoltion." ace said "never heard of it." landon said "neither had i till i got my sirius xm radio." lance said. then the teacher walked in the room.

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Encyclopedia V2.2 (Ii - Ll)

Only one hyena clan remains in the city of marijakil\* as they sided with guarani clan\* during the revolt.


Contact - Part 3

"how revolting." crackling rods sang above the sword. and as quickly as they appeared, the rods slammed into the weapon. fire and ash erupted from where the blade lay before. the swift fox winced, ears turned away from the crash.

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Body and Sole

In some part of your mind you know you should protest and be revolted by the idea that you're trapped as this witch's foot. instead, all you feel is a deep, hungry desire that maybe she'll decide to make the rest of the trip to her home a run.

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