The fractal neuron: a recursive, self-reprogramming module that, when aligned in a neural network, mirrored the workings of a biological brain.
The Big Sleep
Mathew took them to do a metallurgical analysts on them while daniel went to the cockpit to reprogram a new flight path into the computer.
The Laputan Factor 01
As if being put on alert for an upcoming mission, the tiger felt something ripple through him, tip to toes, his muscles feeling as if they had suddenly been reprogrammed
Why ask Why
They wanted him to be honest of course, tell the truth so they knew what they had to reprogram. giving a small sigh at his silence the rodent stepped back to his seat and closed the folders, stacking them up which make the spaniel begin to quiver.
Ami's mind could link to any drone in the immediate vicinity and reprogram it to ignore shade completely. androids like this persistent little thing in the window had to be dealt with other ways.
Ferret's Five - A Brief Debriefing
"i brought a number of devices that the sec would likely use so that we could counteract them, i just never thought that i would have to reprogram one so that it could siphon data off of the box and erase our involvement while giving them a false positive
Medical Decisions
He said quietly while putting his hand over daniels unit, as he began to reprogram it to have a manual release only. he went to the cockpit to look over the read out from the computer before he headed back to the ladies.
Deep Space - Chapter 7, Unfortunate
They're reprogramming automated parts of the whole, but the whole thing gets the update." "so, you just need to revert to the old system." "you just need to hack it to use the old system. that was before seven point five, remember? not going back."
Join the Revolution (TF, Robot)
Violators will be reprogrammed.
Looking To The Stars: Episode 02 (Wolf O' Donnell)
Wolf: reprogramming. alec: amazing. taiga: \*looks at the clock\* we have another 10 minutes. alec: okay, wolf, tell us more yourself and why you helped fox in some of his missions.
Corgle the Corgi
The corgi smiled and nodded, his reprogramming almost finished. "now corgle, you are going to become a clown permanently. all thoughts of living outside of the circus is nasty to you, do you understand?"
R/7 Wolf that wanted to be a sheep part 1
You will receive 38 hours of reprograming for this ..." gerry shouts "execute file 77.76b!"