2nd person Hippogryph TF for Glenhall

Another 2nd person tf, this time written for glenhall. enjoy! the initial feeling is one of warmth. there's not any pain, just a general warm, fuzzy feeling, like you've had too much to drink.

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The Thournes

It is not uncommon that a shard will 'win' this battle, and completely overwrite whatever personality that the host once had, but the memories of the host are always maintained.

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Simplicit Complex

The complexity of Simplicity is astounding something so... little, easy, standard, simple can bring one to ponder for days, and those days into weeks, and weeks to months, and before you know it your whole life has passed. A safe space, a...

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PQW: Pleasure

Pleasure is... Those endorphins triggered by those certain concepts that stimulate you. That increase your heartbeat The itch in your throat that makes you want to shout with glee The blood flowing through your system urging you to...

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Poetry quick write: Thoughts of Night

My mind during the night is open Free to explore and wonder. Collect, assess, and evaluate Eyes widening to the illusive details Ears catching subtle clues My fingers twitch with anticipation to write Word by word relief washes over me I have...

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Epilogue (The End)

I personally had my doubts about how well i did and it was only through immense pressure that i did lighten up just in time for when the results eventually came online.

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A Dragon Redeemed, Part 2

I honestly think every person in town, young and old, had been standing and watching me work on our great friend. even the children had been perfectly quiet, their tear stained faces shining in the lantern light.

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I'm Here (I)

As I try to pray in bed And think of what you said I hear a piercing slam And your "I don't give a damn!" You say you're at the brink As you grab another drink You say to follow His life And not your road of strife You say this path of...

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Poem #60: You

_You_ Some people say I think too much But there are some people Who don't think enough You stop and stare and look at me Like I'm the crazy one You don't even know me The only one who is close To knowing me is me Hell you don't even know...

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I have this dream night after night That I am alone In a desert of scorching sand And I am so very thirsty I walk And I walk And I walk Aimlessly It feels As though I walk these circles Endlessly My thirst never quenched And I feel as though...

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Redemption (Chapter Five)

It's an arm that is completely useless other than a comfort for the person."

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Last of My Kind

What would you do if you were suddenly the last person on earth? what if you woke up one morning with friends and family and by nightfall you were all that remained?

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