A matter of change Chapter 4:Not alone...

I managed to escape from most of the paparazzi but that didn't stop them from going after my parents. they were hounded from dusk till dawn asking questions like: "what's it like having a savage animal for a son?"

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Revolution | Chapter X: Dreams Into Nightmares

Camera crews from different tv shows were all at the front while paparazzi swarmed them from behind.

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He was a pair of sunglasses and a wig short of 'the paparazzi are after me' mode. everything looked a little worn, but not too much. even dressed pretty casually, he rode the line of slovenly and fashionable.

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Cadence of Memories

The canterlot paparazzi would have had a field day with us every day. i suspect that's also why he never told you about it, and let you keep to your studies in canterlot and here in ponyville.

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Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 134

Many famous travelers stay here as a means of forming a safe space between themselves and the paparazzi and such. we pride ourselves in handling any and all problems which may try to interrupt your rest and relaxation.

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Hole in the Wall: The Little Things. Chapter Six.

They had been far-fetched, but fun, stories of the time the striped bandit had stolen from the trashcans of some famous movie star, selling what he found to the paparazzi.

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Children of the American Dream

Must of been paparazzi or something," avory dismissed. "but i thought i should let you know just in case they found their way back here to ambush us or cause you guys any hassle." "no, we were quite ok here.

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