Scott's Remote | Chapter 8

Scott's thoughts were interrupted as he felt a rush of air on the top of his bottom, turning around he saw that the rabbit was checking the state of his padding.

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ShadowPaw and The Elemental Stones

Jade padded away, leading ash back to the plateau where their camp was located. he stopped by the river, not sure whether ash would make the leap, just as he padded up.

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Ch1: Landing Hard

There was a brief pause, then, "lady giddens, you are cleared to lz six, pad zero-three. use approach two-five up." "i copy, control. lz six, pad three, approach two-five up. out." she looked at amélie. "alia iacta est.

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The Plushie Dungeon Two! [Comm]

He was at a loss of words, watching as the various padded horsemen made fun of the very thing that united him to them.

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Theo's Assent - Chapter 1 [Comm]

He reached forward and brought the front of the padding over his crotch.

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Melancholy Hearts: Chapter Four

He would simply use his mp issued data pad, equipped with far superior technology compared to the average citizen's data pad, and get in after hours.

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Scourge Second Life part 1

Cinderpelt leaped into the clearing and stealthily padded up to scourge's deputy. nothing he was dead, but then she padded up to scourge, he didn't look as dead, she placed a paw on his neck to test pulse and his eye flew open.

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Scarlet : Trail of Scourge part 2

Archer stirred, gathered his paws beneath him, and giving himself a quick groom, padded after scarlet who'd already begun to pad away. "where to now?" archer asked, noticing the pricked ears and tense muscles of the alert she-cat he was following.

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Curse of the Crinkle Crate! | Chapter 3

Pulling said work pants on, he was greatly perturbed to find that he had difficulty pulling them up and over his padding.

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The Elysian School of Recreational Podiatry

Seemed they were sensitive under the pads. i smiled to myself, nuzzling at the softened pads and giving one a gentle kiss before she could notice. her toes wriggled against my face, no longer scratchy and rough, but soft.

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Iditarod..Maverick style..

Wind rushing past my ears, heart throbbing in my head, pads freezing cold, and clothes soaked with sweat, describe how i felt this morning.

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Elemental Guardians and The Ring of Fire

He meowed enthusiastically as they padded into the forest.

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