prologue to Project:animus

{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Calibri;}} {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\sa200\sl480\slmult1\lang9\f0\fs22 23. Half of the magic number needed to sustan a human life. Just one number higher, and...

The Hidden Beauty

Ignored for others, placed in the back. the cruellest fate is put on track. the broken soul receives the flak. the frail woman soon will cry, tears run from her lazy eye.

White Forest

White Forest Tiny flakes gently tap the ground, And cover the forest in velvet white. My feet make that crunching sound As I trudge forth through its light. The silver shine on every tree, Lines a gentle blissful trail. So much...

Too Afraid

Too Afraid Slowly floating through a sea of silence My soul shivers in icy winds. My thoughts sail an endless cruise Body slammed through waves of violence. Light shines on the bluish tints Of aching flesh, badly bruised. Shattered...


Goodbye The darkness settles in A blanket so very cold. This day is one that comes, We have all once been told. The lesson has been learnt As we have all grown old, And days fly by so quickly As time continues to fold. Do not blame...

What You Mean

I'll hold back your fears, pain and grime for no other reason than i'm happy you're mine. d.ashford

Fair thee well my Lady

My Lady across the sea Dose she know you Yes in deed A fair maiden True and Proud England's pride and joy My Fair Maiden Never seen again Taken by Pirates Left for the dead Sent to Davy Jones Bones Bones are all that's left ...

Rising Anew Chapter 15 The Claw Healed.txt

." \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* narina busily watched for any sign of narcenac and the others. she had grown very worried once her initial excitement had abated. her eyes sliced through the dim moonlight in search of her lover.


Toxin It's late and the bar's getting busy, So many drinks so very fizzy, I've had too much I'm feeling dizzy. Who's that woman the one that squeezed me? Man I bet she's really sleazy, Bet she knows just how to please me. I'd get her...

Pop goes Chelsea!

The poor fox girl kept growing as the helium started to fill into her other organs. her feet and paws blew up like balloons as her arms and legs grew thicker and thicker.

Mut zum weitergehen.txt

Mut zum weitergehen Wenn die Hoffnung im Schatten fällt, Wenn das Licht verlässt die Welt, Wenn schwarze Seelen Herrschen, Die Guten zusammenpferchen, Wenn die Flammen in dir Erloschen sind, Wenn Dein Leben nach Flammen Sinnt. Dann lass die...

The Haunting

But the other version of me couldn't hear me (obviously). if you're thinking that i somehow got out of the loop. stop being a jerk. all of a sudden, everything just went blank. and i realized that this had happened before.
