prologue to Project:animus
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{*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\sa200\sl480\slmult1\lang9\f0\fs22 23. Half of the magic number needed to sustan a human life. Just one number higher, and your chances of survival go from 90% to about 30% once you are concived. one less, you may not even make it at all. \par
- The perfect number of chromosomes in an avrage human life form. But the number of genes does not dictate us so, thus making an opertunity in nature to create the diversity that us advanced forms of life are blessed to have. Changing just 2 genes can change your eye color. changing 8 can leave you without an arm. Now, wouldn't it be magical to just be able to ADD 8 more and have another arm? But no, that would be too simple, and we would not have gone through the thousands of years of evalution only to have it be cracked oh so soon. \par
But in time, things get different, they get more... advance. But also just as simple. Which is why going back to basics is a neccesary task in this experiment. Back to the building blocks of early human life. Stem cells. to be precise. Stem cells, once the most contreversial topic in modern medical history, Are now a staple in the medical field, and thats why they are so overlooked.\par