Recoil: Chapter 2, Advocate

I was paranoid, driving west along the open roads and highways. Having already avoided 2 cruisers today, I was beginning to assume that my identity was nation-wide knowledge. If not international. I took my right hand off the wheel and picked up my...

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Recollection: chapter 1

The cold stone and grime from the floor, mixed with the metallic taste and scent of blood restarted my consciousness. Through the blur and haze obscuring my vision I could make out a light, casting long ominous shadows off looming steel support...

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Recoil: Chapter 3, Clean

When he woke again, I had already been driving for a couple hours, so it was already starting to break dawn. And If I do say so myself, it couldn't be too much more scenic then now. The first rays of the sun were beaming over the Montana valley,...

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Recoil: chapter 7, Reflections.

After I slayed the tank, we shipped out back to base camp, which was about 50 miles away. My state of invulnerability only lasted 20. I dropped on the spot, not unconscious, but sore as hell. I dragged myself to a tree stump and tossed myself over...

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What I Need...

I Need more then A gental friend I Need more then comforting words I Need more then Momentary protection from greif I Need more then a pat on the back I Need more then someone ruffling my fur for play I Need more then that. I Need my other...

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prologue to Project:animus

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