The path Less Traveled, Part 4
I saw the steel punch through the orcs body, and as the orc let his second blade fall, time seemed to slow down.
Day 12: Weapon
The old orc lifted his stick, no emotion on his face. i jumped at him, a roar in my lips. eyes focused on his hands. a quartet of strikes rained upon the old orc but they all met the same fate as the ones before.
The Legend of Spyro - Sins of the past - Chapter 10: Smoke
"what about missing orcs? i am pretty certain orcs in camp will in few hours to wonder where they are." "we have to take risk. if we're lucky they wont even notice them missing, they're quite arrogant and selfish creatures."
Day 21 - Skull
A trembling dark blue finger plunged into the hole, easily piercing deep into the orc's chest. "am i...dead?" said the orc with a deep voice, a faint echo following his every word. "i'm afraid so, but it is an inevitable end for us all."
The Legend of Spyro: Origins_Chapter 12
Spyro stood back again and saw the orc coming straight for him. he jumped left as the blade came rushing down, and used his tail to swat the face of the orc.
Kaotic beginnings - A Kaos Army story - Chapter 10
#9 of kaotic beginnings anar knows that bribery gets you everywhere, including into orc settlements. it's finally time to show them just what toys the kaos army have in their armoury. the orc guards looked at each other and grunted quizzically.
Kaotic beginnings - A Kaos Army story - Chapter 11
Even orc written text was sharp and pointy.
World of Osmis: Races
Elves:- -common elves -high elves -wood elves -sun elves -moon elves -dark elves orcs:- -green (forest) orcs -blue (frost) orcs -black (death) orcs -red (war) orcs -brown (mountain) orcs dwarves:- -plain dwarves -forge dwarves -rune dwarves
Bottle it Up; Pour it Out
An orc shouts, "i'll get keyba!" and, very unlike an orc, runs out of the bar without finishing off their beer first. dar huffs and takes a swig from his room temperature beer. the molten core in his gut remains unquenched.
Legion of Sytarel - Ch. 5: Formation of the Legion
Ogres were born of orc and giant crossbreeding, having been sired on rhavik shortly after the orcs settled in zugrul and befriended the giantish races to the north.
Jack: Rexi & Talon -- 24. Rexi
And, perhaps, to take the opportunity to uncover some of the half-orc's secrets. rexi could almost feel them, thick and mysterious, and none greater than the half-orc's unstated agenda.
Jat'von tells a tale of his past
As his tail flicked about, his whole body tensed up as he saw the armed orc shift about.