Kovu and Mipa: Mipa's Demons
However, soon he found himself deep in the oasis, treading through ankle deep slime and not at all sure where exactly he was.
Continued Exchange, Part 10 (The End)
At last he reached the oasis' edge. "where are you?" he snarled. he wasn't having any luck with his search. his fury grew with every passing moment. "simba! where are you?!" he roared. "ahem!" coughed a voice.
Fugitive's Trust Chapter 10 Part 1 of 2
"east oasis 100 kilometers."
Ileum collision - Betrayals and lies: The ballad of the bounty hunter
An oasis where life did not just survive, but lived and matured and prospered. where the bounty of the earth numerous, the sight was calming and the weather slightly more tolerable.
Kovu and Mipa: Titan's Demise
The snake made little attempt to conceal its bulk as it rushed towards her with a single-mindedness that would have been astonishing if he had not know of her general reputation in the oasis.
Vengeance Set 2 (6-10)
They dived towards the oasis. renamon: fox fire! she turned blue and matt jumped off of her. she spun and hit megidramon in the back of the head. megidramon: ouch! razor claw! he snapped around and cut at kyubimon.
Intermission: France to the Desert
The caravan was traveling towards a great oasis, one that had been raised from the desert through the powers of a great shaman.
Kovu and Mipa: Kovu's Love
Kovu tramped through the enlarged oasis. there was plenty of room now to roam and even the desert beyond was fairly hospitable with fresh new grass and flowers as far as the eye could see; during the day at least.
Tales of Azoria - Chapter 11
Focus your attention on queen oasis!" he informs the guards, before turning around and chasing after azuri.
Revaramek the Resplendent: Chapter Forty Four
A few dead fish littered the muddy bank around the oasis lake. entire stands of reeds were gone, torn from their moorings and scattered to the desert.
Burdens - Chapter 99: Oasis
#99 of burdens chapter 99: oasis roger and hunter arrived at the fox's house a little after than what was normal for them. he had wanted to take a little more time just to walk with the wolf.
Charlie's Big Cat Experience
Commotion started around the oasis. "there's a dog in the watering hole!" the scream of a lioness was heard over the chaos, "someone warn the king!"