The Bread Also Rises - Prologue

Here was his chance to grow out of his life of squalor, to rise into the ranks of nobility itself! but it was not meant to be, and instead a terrible accident would curse him to life as an outcast. so was it dictated by contributors one and two.

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Eggceptional Vacation Get Away: Hayati

But i was still granted nobility and named lord reid morrison, drill master of the bastion sky knights! it truly was... no still is an honor!" at this point reid's entire demeanor changed.

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How I Meet Kara {Chapter 1}

Was my confident and pleased answer, as if addressing nobility. it didn't matter what havoc or chaos my decision would bring. i was ready for anything.

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A Bronze Rising: Ladonius

"besides, lord dominic is high nobility. his kind take things like diplomatic immunity far more seriously than brutes like sir ronald." i was still uncertain, but it had to be done, and a human matter such as this was best left to human hands.

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Bad Blood

In human terms, nobility and peasantry respectively. then, one day, a new dog came to the village. he was strong and could hunt without a pack, using only his own strength, earning him lots of victories.

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Where do we fit in ?

Being nobility, he had to be present to many events with lots of the high society. lots of stressful events he would like to avoid but couldn't. and most of the time, people just saluted him and moved away. he was of no interest ever to them.


Sabre of Fox - prolouge

Polish nobleman gets his nobility with his birth, but reaffirms it during the struggles. here, in polish rzeczpospolita, you love or hate with all your heart.

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Brother Light, Brother Dark: In Which an Adumbral Transaction Takes Place

"one would think," donichus smiled through slightly gritted teeth, "that nobility would do well to drive the riffraff out. visitors would not be so easily turned away from this place without them." the corners of talos' beak upturned knowingly.

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DnD sheet

0 | + | 0 | + | 0 | | | (cc)knowledge (history)§ | int | 0 | = | 0 | + | 0 | + | 0 | | | (cc)knowledge (local)§ | int | 0 | = | 0 | + | 0 | + | 0 | | | (cc)knowledge (nature)§ | int | 0 | = | 0 | + | 0 | + | 0 | | | knowledge (nobility


Kattar- Chapter 2.

Sadly for nuri, most of his better friends were from the rich classes than the nobility class and didn't need to show up for an event like this.

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The Second Sundering: Chapter 2

Plus, the raccoon wouldn't have been surprised to learn that the handful of recent 'unexplained deaths' among the nobility were actually avori's men. "order!"

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Rank victories constable 0-15 nobile 16-25 esquire 26-35 baronet 36-50 grand dominus 50-75 vidame seigneur 100-nan the amount of people in each rank changes daily, some rank up and some die.

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