Pushing Stars

As uncommon as it was for the large mustelid to get excited in the middle of the night, he found it extremely tough to get back to sleep the few times it happened, especially once certain thoughts started twirling aimlessly in his mind.

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Matilda the Otter

Its been a while, enjoy ^^ matilda the otter by: chekky matilda is of the mustelidae, in her own way, she would like to stay. care free day after day, filling time and her stomach with fish.

The Tale of Teàrlach Part 8 - The Finale

The vulpine and the mustelid's vows were simple and traditional. they promised to love one another, to always be faithful, and to be together til death.

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Badger seeks to fix it (Ferret and Badger part 4) (Otherwise Untitled)

She replied simply with a low mustelid growl. ~ "and what would you do with that? make me take myself to where, here?", fanning her wings as she shrunk to match the badger's size.

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Fact Checker and the Maw

**Fact-checker and the Maw** _Written by Dovahquill_ The sound of knocking caused the badger to fall from his bed, a half-conscious attempt at getting out of bed failing utterly. Gromsr groaned in mild pain and not-so-mild annoyance as his mind...

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Jack Braking Prohibited (Otherwise Untitled)

~ leaning over a bit to confirm that the minivan did, in fact, still contain fuel, the coyote settled back down into her seat to wait for the mustelide hijinks she had learned to trust for desired outcomes.

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Chapter 2: Only in Skin?

He was one of the only people the srothar felt comfortable with calling him things like...fatty, kitty, biscuit...because he knew the mustelid was never meaning a lick of offense. ...well, not -unfriendly- offense, at least.

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Chapter 1

Sprawled out on the field, the mustelid simply stared at the sky in a stunned daze. =============== "hey... hey, how about drinks on me tonight?" "really, no. i'm not in the mood." "...man, you made one fumble..."

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The mustelid drew the curtains shut as soon as he entered, not saying a word to kilo for a moment as he looked the feline up and down with discerning eyes.

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The Artful Dodger

The small mustelid gave a whoop as the acceleration nearly flattened him against the back of his seat.

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Campfire Gaggle (Otherwise Untitled)

Both mustelides seemed to light up even as he continued into the warnings, "but it'll be puttin' oil into the coolant, and rust into the works overall. when ya' get to the coast and skip off, be sure to tell whoever you sell this thing to.

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Ferret in Space (Ferret and Badger part 1) (Otherwise Untitled)

The blanket burrito of a mustelid squirmed and tumbled in place until her eyes found the soft blue glow of the tritium necklace floating free somewhere over near the navigational instrumentation.

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