"fallen fairy" Part 1
Little fairy, who fell from the heavens. With broken wings and shattered dreams as you lay, "My dear love do not give up" in tears i cryed letting the thirsty earth suck up your soul let it be known, your life was not wasted, your soul was not a...
forbidden love
My love, who was my futer you made me feel safe, and kept me out of harms way. You knew when to attack, protect, defend me, you were my extacy,my passion, ... my love. And they took you from me. You were always there to fall back on when I needed...
Dragon Legends: The Tale of Orphius Chapter 6
On the left side of the picture stood a tan skinned human male who had a white liger pattern around his left eye.
Sheer Turmoil Utter Peace
.** ** ** **\*liger\* kesha (princess) laurran salana lo kempura himora-tan: crown warrior-princess of persia, and kenshi's younger sister.** ** ** **\*fox\* keshe hiranose abumanesan lo kepura himora-tan: crown warrior-prince of persia
A ripped liger, his lover (husband?), a house, a nearby café? perhaps they own it, or one of them is the secret chef behind its success. success comes in all sizes. a title for them, possibly... that one just might work. i could try it.
The End Of All Hope?
As the hyena slowly padded away, a solemn looking liger took his place. "louisa!" brandi shouted in surprise. blinking, she placed a paw over his mouth. "shhh, the time to speak is past."
Character Bio's
Name: alexander gabriel kuraiyuki species: anthro liger (pure white with black stripes) gender: male skills: expert in bio mechanics, expert martial artist, and skilled assassin history: he was raised by his adopted parents; he knew nothing about their
Care Bears Family Adventures: Book 1, Chapter 1
I also want to thank phoenix audubon, fauna greywolf, mariel1/contrary heart liger, take care bear/amber, and silver wolf16 (from ff.net as well) for helping me by allowing me to use their ideas and characters to help shape this story.
Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 3
She found patient heart liger at the door, "hello." hugs smiled, "hey pace, come in." she led pace into her living room, "just stopping by?" "not just that. it's our letter," pace showed her the datapad. "our letter?"
My Story - Chapter 1
He was a liger of immense proportions. he had frigging bone spikes jutting out of his body. he put even my height to shame by several feet. i would follow either of these two into hell itself if asked.
The Darwin Chronicles: Introduction
Robert, known as robby to his friends, was a liger who had been flying for a little under five years, and josh was even newer at the job than himself. they'd only been flying as a team for a few months.
A New Guardian
Starburst looks dusk over carefully, "i see a liger type. very rare, i did not know you had mind voices. you two haven't fledged yet have you?" dusk shakes his head not letting go of his sister till mauve grabs her by a wing, {no.