My Story - Chapter 1

Story by Crazy One on SoFurry

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#1 of My Story

My Story

Thx to A1C havenofimage for posting this and future chapters for me. My internet card for my PC is broke indefinitely.

Copyrights of the characters Killer and Zerrex belong to, respectively, Killer Tiger and Zerrex Narrius.

Copyrights of everything else to me, Crazy One.

Disclaimer: If you're offended, then GTFO of SoFurry and go back to playing with dolls.


Chapter 1

April 16, 2005

New York City, New York

Where should I start, ehh screw it might as well start at the beginning. My name is Mark Bailey and this is my story. Today, on my birthday, terrorists attacked New York City. The bastards somehow nuked the place. They wanted to kill the first anthro president of the USA, they succeeded. They got him and a mix of close to 9000000 other humans and furs, including my entire family, close and extended. No one I knew minus those I went to college in Mississippi with survived the attack. I lost my beautiful human mate, Katie, who was 8 months pregnant with our first child, a boy. She was looking for a new apartment in the city. My mom and dad were with her helping her out. Now I'm truly and utterly left alone in this world, an orphan amongst many others. I was just getting out of college at the time with multiple engineering and computer programming degrees, and I knew war was on its way. The military started drafting people and anthros left and right, I was one of the lucky ones. I wasn't just another grunt sent in as cannon fodder. Due to my college degree, I was qualified to attend OCS and become an officer. I was going to be a 2nd Lieutenant in US Marines.

The closest thing that most of you can relate to regarding my image is that of a dragon. My species were known as Dragkkaren, we are a very rare hybrid breed, a mix of two other almost equally rare breeds, the Dragokkaren and the Drakkaren. I alone was close to 14 feet tall that year, I was 21 years old. As we age, my species continues to get larger just like snakes. I was a dark green color with a smattering of brown scales surrounding my body. I almost had a natural forest camo; it was cool during deer season. It would suck over in the middle east though.


One year later

After training, I soon found a new mate named Megan, she was a lovely Dragokkaren. She had emerald green eyes, soft blue scales, and for a female pretty sizeable muscles. I realized Katie would want me to move on and be happy. I will never forget her nor our dead unborn child, but I tried my best to live my life like she would have wanted me to.


April 1, 2008

The terrorists nuked the White House, can't say I liked the new President a whole lot, but over 2 million innocent beings were caught up in the blast as well. The bomb was already inside the US; the terrorists waited three years just to tear our country apart again. We suspected these guys some serious financial backing over in the Middle East. Iran and Syria no longer exist. Following nuclear response protocol, out attack had left them as nothing more than glass craters. From there it turned in WWIII. At first, it was only about revenge for my country and the now dead President. Soon however, it was personal. In the attack on the White House, sniff, I lost my new family, both close and extended. Everyone was on vacation, visiting my lovely mate and our new baby boy, Nex. I was away on a business trip that week. Nex was to be a Dragokkaren just like his mother. I am now again alone in this world. Many a time as of late, I thought about ending it all right here. Then I realized that if I did Megan and Katie would kick my ass.

Now my only reason for living is to kill every last person responsible for the atrocious crimes against me and my country. My mates may not like what I am doing, but this is the only way I can avenge them and all those killed by those fuckin' bastards. I will never stop, I will never surrender, and I will kill anyone who gets in my way. My soldiers call me "The Berserker", and my commanders call me "The Avenger". I feel that I'm chaos, death, and destruction fursonified. I will never forget and I will never forgive those who helped in any way to carry out those two attacks.


Unknown Location, Middle East

Almost two years later

December 24, 2010

The say war is hell and well for what I've done and witnessed over the last two years it is. I have done some things I now regret, others I don't. Over the years, I've kept on singing an ever changing song in my head. I guess is the first time I've ever written it down.

Bullets rain down,

Bombs fall around.

Death and destruction coming down,

Misery and despair come from there.

All shall die then and there.

Who are you? Who are you?

Which of the three are you?

Are you the beggar or the fool?

Or are you a soldier, one of the few.

This was only the intro, chorus, and ending. The verses changed daily. Since all around us is a bullet in the air with our name on it. Death surrounds us all, but how do you cope? Everyone knows death is coming and can't be avoided, but how do you deal with it. Are you a beggar, a fool, or a soldier? Every being on this planet fits into one of these three categories. A beggar tries to buy him/herself life from the reaper himself. They never realize death still fucks 'em over in the end. The fool lives for the moment never caring what they do. They are ignorant of their incoming death. At times, I pity them. The final type, are the soldiers of this world. They include emergency workers, military personnel, adrenaline junkies, etc... They aren't afraid of death; instead we openly challenge it and fight it all the way till our end. Hell, we'll fight it even afterwards. We never give up, never surrender. We may get knocked down sometimes, but we always build ourselves back up stronger than ever before. Crack. Crack. Crack. Crack. Shit snipers. Enough philosophy for now or my ass is grass.

"Get the fuck down! Damn it." Crack. "Find that blasted sniper!" Well it looks like my unit got stuck on another shitty patrol. Fuckin' bastards trying to ambush again for the 3rd time again today, it was getting real annoying.

"Hey Lt. I think the sniper is approximately 300 yards up that hill."

"Alright, Private Jenkins, can ya get 'em."

"Give me just a sec. Lt." Crack. Crack. Crack. "Hostiles eliminated Lt."

"Hostiles? I thought that there was only one sniper up there."

"Nope Lt., two snipers and one RPG."

"I'm glad ya spotted those other two."

It seems the FNG of our squad, Private Leroy Jenkins, actually saved our ass this time. Last week he just about got all four of us killed again. That's right the other two members of my squad include SSgt Jacky Miller and Private Rachel Green. Green and Jenkins were humans. Both looked pretty average, if average meant rednecks from hell. They were both about 5'9". In fact, with the difference in eye color, you could say that they were twins. Both were blondes and both could almost outshoot me. I'm not trying to be prideful, but I do currently hold the highest score on all of the Marine weapon courses. They tied for 2nd place both just one point behind me.

Miller, on the other paw, was fuckin' insane. More so than me even. He, like me, lost everything in both attacks. I believe that's why I was paired up with him. Unfortunately he couldn't take it very well. He went in a rage some days killing everything in his path. In his rage, he saw only foes to be felled, no friends at all. It took some serious tranquilizers and me as well in a controlled berserker's mode to stop him.

Now ya'll might be thinking why not put him in a mental hospital with a medical discharge? Well we tried it before; he broke out and found his way back to us in less than a month. I know it's wrong, but he is one of our greatest non-nuclear weapons. He was a Dragokkaren, close to 12 feet tall with sand colored scales. He was perfectly at home over here. He was known by our enemies as "The Sand Devil"; I was known as the "The Devil's Annihilator". We were partners in the havoc we wrought upon our enemies. Well it looks like we'll be home in our crappy dwellings soon. Maybe we can end this war sometime soon. Well not too soon, not till I kill the bastard who orchestrated all of these horrible attacks.


Base Camp Delta, Location Classified

A few hours later

"Reporting as ordered, General"

"At ease, son. Take a seat; I have a new mission for you."

Heh the only two good things about this base, was our Captain and our General. Their names were Zerrex Narrius and Killer Tiger, respectively. Zerrex was a Drakkaren of imposing stature. Although shorter than me by about six feet he could kill me in an instant. He was covered in dark green scales except for those on his chest that were blue; he had a long lock of white hair as well. The General was in another class by himself entirely. He was a liger of immense proportions. He had frigging bone spikes jutting out of his body. He put even my height to shame by several feet. I would follow either of these two into hell itself if asked.

"Listen up, son. Captain Narrius has discovered the hideout of one of the bastards that killed your family. We believe it is the head honcho of both attacks. The mission is a suicide mission. Command wants this 'holy man' and his Lieutenants captured alive. I want you to kill all of them instead."

"Consider it done, General. When will my team be leaving?"

"Good to hear Mark. Unfortunately, you will be heading up there by yourself."

"Okay sir, what are my Rules Of Engagement?"

"Lieutenant, your ROE are simple, kill everything that moves. You leave at 0800 tomorrow morning. Good hunting, son, dismissed."

I was surprised that our glorious Captain said not a word during the meeting. I know that something is going on right now, something suspicious. The last time he didn't talk about the mission I came very close to dying multiple times. Right now though, it is not my job to question orders and investigate my superiors. I'll leave that job to the spooks and the Internal Service guys. Signing off for now, I need a shower, some chow, and much needed sleep. I still need to prepare for the mission tomorrow morning.

-Mark Bailey


Please read the Story Series, all of them, by the 3 authors I mentioned at the beginning. You'll love 'em more than likely if you read this story.

Please comment and rate. This is my 1st story ever, so helpful advice welcome. I want to make it longer, but I need to see if anyone likes it before I continue.