The SSS-G Project, a short story
She giggled out as she dives into her attack, holding out her beam saber and i do the same as i lock into battle, having my blade clash against her modified saber.
Halo -chapter 5
The dog brought his muzzle close to seth's and suddenly bit into his shoulder. seth gasped in pain as the husky pulled back and bit into the other shoulder.
One Thousand Snakes
Years of anger surged up into my chest and into my right arm; i wanted to grab him by the fur of his chest and hit him over and over again.
Witch Blood - 04
A stone arch had been built over the gate and arcane symbols were etched into its surface.
The Dragoness's Hunger
With a contented smile she locked her jaw back into place and turned to walk back into the center of the clearing, her heavy belly swaying with each step that she took.
Chapter Twenty Two - Reunited
I said as i chuckled, hopping into the front seat.
The World of a Husky - pt. 2
Jamie put his bag into leo's car and jumped into the back seat. "let's go to the mall." "that's cool with me." leo said as he jumped over the door and into the drivers seat. neo got into the back seat and skyler got into the passenger seat.
Nearly There Chp. 2 - Distractions.
His blade deep into my neck.
Journey to another wold ch17
Was all she said before she buried her face into my chest and started to bawl. after she stopped crying she lifted her head off my chest and looked deep into my eyes again.
Honor Above All Else chapter 6
Let it go into space." kway suggested urgently.
Tower of Troubles: The Wolf and the Polar Bear
I can restore you whenever, now get going, the night is getting older and we need to get into the main tower," shaking her arm she dislodged the mirror bat who flapped up into the air, costed over the crenellated wall of the gatehouse and dropped down into
What is The Lustful Melt Gag?
But now here's what's interesting about this lustful melt gag for zoe and groove high, she melted into a puddle of water, that's right she melted into a puddle of water because she turned into water and splashed down into a puddle, you don't believe me i'll