Volcano Visit

But it's not a fortress--the cone itself hasn't been habited in a century due to geological instability. the remaining settlements are in the nearby valleys.

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A Life in High School, Ch. 5

I've had to be on crutches for the time i've been standing because of the instability i've had in my legs, and it's still not safe for me to walk without the crutches._ nearly everyone nodded._i've also had to use this device to speak.

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Catching the Outlines

It'll just bring the conspiracy one paw-step closer to terminal instability. by helping ourselves, we're helping ... everyone else. like ripples in a pond." advance nodded quietly. that made ... sense ...

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Jasper's Oddysee (B1)

He had a only just set out on the path, however ,when a feeling of instability swept over him, and he found his feet stumbling beneath him.

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Wind of Change: Chapter 16

It was, however, still an estimated 3 months' journey, because there hasn't been any meaningful exploration to the center of the universe and the lack of relay gates due to the instability of the sector, called sector zero by many federation star charter due

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In From the Sad Day Out

At the first sign of instability, i should've gone to aspera," talkeetna said, "and asked her to relieve him of duty. she has that authority. she could've done it, and ... " " ... he wouldn't have let you."


The Double Life - Chapter 4

He has me at a bit of a disadvantage, because i know that he's seen some of the things i've blocked out, but i have little to no idea what happened to him to cause him such mental instability.

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The Dragon Warrior: Space Adventure Chapter 15

It just need a little slip of anger and emotional instability and my body becomes like this. for two years, i am known as the black wind. of course, this is until seiryu came."

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Wiroch: Accepted Course

It was difficult to maintain such a facility due to the instability of the terrain and unpredictability of the weather. yet the power was worth the risk of resources, or lives if need be. "good to hear!" catherine stated.

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The Land of Prylyn: A Chance Encounter

A lantern sat on a haphazard table seemingly made out of deadwood and twine, and seemed awfully close to falling over due to the surface's instability. beside it sat a crudely pitched hide tent, with possibly the mangiest bed roll he had ever seen.

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Blood on Ice - Chapter Two

I didn't know what was going on but my heart rate quickened while i felt the instability of the earth beneath the city itself.

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Madison May of the Star Patrol!

Might even cause field instabilities, if there was interference from them. you know, speaking of that, did you ever meet dr. pukavu ouris ouris-qaty, fuzzybutt?

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