Part 1 - Hatchling

My uncle said i was an incarnation of her, seeing i was silver with a black star on my forehead, but as i grew the star faded. our family was small, only my father cloud, uncle seth, and my four brothers. my mother had died before i had hatched.

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Kitty Promise

To rule for 9 incarnations or generations, and then upon death, bequeath the leadership to the next in line. it was an honor to be chosen.

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How To Invoke

They're either truth incarnate, or they're not. how long have you spent mincing millimetres here in your own personal dark? the spell falls off your tongue faster, cantering into a melody you've always known.

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Of Magic and Fur (Part 4)

incarnations of demons? i almost laugh out loud at the thought. maybe they were just commonplace people in the village we were going to, in this weird world i can't remember. i decide to play it safe.

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Behind the editor's desk

Smith looked at his boss, not sure if that was joke or a true statement; it was perhaps the true incarnation of poe's law in action. ``how is that reporting news?

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The Second Promise: Chapter 4, The Wrong Questions

New incarnation may be female, after all; would be nice to have _some _practice. not sure what i'm expecting to be different but..." "incarnation?" one of the guards asked. "uh..." kyrik paled slightly.

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The Journey of the Dark Crystal: Chapter 4

The fish was yorloka's incarnation, so hunting and killing those fish could provoke yorloka's anger and gave the subject a painful misery they could ever imagine."

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Lord and Master (Goldeneye's backstory) - Part 1: Coalesce

To speak of me is to speak of a god incarnate, and to speak ill of me is to blaspheme, and be damned to suffer the fate i choose: inevitably, to serve me in whatever way i desire for the rest of your helpless life.

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I, being a stupid young scientist, decided i would do my part to help design the next incarnation of the teleporter. unknowing to me, the advisors wanted me to be the test subject. so here i was. the big day.

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Zombies are Wankers: Long Time No Read

"no, but it was pure lion awesome incarnate wooo i am awesome!" he replied.

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File #2 - "Shadows"

Enterprise-e which managed to repel an attack from a dangerous new incarnation of the borg which existed within fluidic space.

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Today's Tom Sawyer

The fox looked around, scratched his head, and began to explain his reason for being the modern incarnation of his favorite literary hero "because... because i wanted to, 'dat's why.

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