Round 3 Part 2: Out of This World Duel
The field slot opened and he put in and a space hologram appeared around us. "attack his pegasus." his attack landed and a sapphire crystal appeared in the back.
Tropical - Chapter Six
The holograms looked solid before they started to disappear, but revealed the blue water beneath them that has always been there. "i didn't even think this place could afford such perfect holograms."
Darker Side of Light (2)
"just got a case dad so we are going to use the hologram room. give me the keys or do i go to the security office to get them?"
Evil Genius Ch.3
The holograms can be turned solid for a more realistic approach. i set it up so that if any real harm befell you or if i caught you that the simulation would end."
Ch. 1. Beginings
The fox in the hologram began to twist and mutate, his body could melt and reform as a black shadow. another form was seen on the hologram. it was a walking dog.
Battle For The Bronze
The holograms turned off, and their duel disks deactivated. some of the crowd cheered for jackie, i don't know why, but he was the fan favorite. angel walked to the back, smith passed her on his way to the arena.
Battle for the Bronze
The holograms turned off and duel disks deactivated. the crowd was in shock, so was i. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Isolation-Excerpt 9-The Basement
"for the three of us it would be in the green hologram", tyler said, "it works by data burst, so just holding your pda to the hologram will work."
dark gurdien chapter 1.txt
There was a sudden beep and the hologram of spike had disappeared. anthony had a good look at his surroundings he was standing in front of the lucaria malls fountain.
Round two part 1; Dragons VS Ancient Gears
I castle hologram appeared behind him. "every ancient gear monster gains three hundred attack points, i summon ancient gear soldier (atk/1300 def/1300 castle effect atk/1600) and end my turn."
Round 2 part 1: Dragon VS Machines
I castle hologram appeared behind him. "every ancient gear monster gains three hundred attack points, i summon ancient gear soldier (atk/1300 def/1300 castle effect atk/1600) and end my turn."
Story Challenge #1
The hologram smiled. "i am perfectly capable of manipulating all the machinery in this room. as we speak, they're feeding data into my core. in a way, i can feel your heartbeat." i can feel your heartbeat.