Battle For The Bronze
#13 of Let's Duel
While Jackie and Angel were dueling, Smith was talking to the judges to see if he could get a rematch. But they refused, they also gave him a shot for third place. Whoever lose's the duel between Jackie and Angel duel's Smith. I was watching Jackie's duel from the back, hoping he would pull through, then Smith walked up to me.
"Not ever in my life, I had lost to the same person." Smith said with anger and frustrastion in his voice.
"Get used to it, Smith. I'll be around and I'll still be the number 1 duelist." I said sounding cocky.
Smith glared at me with his blue eye's, and continued, "Don't get used to being the champion, Spencer. Cause I'll be back, I always come back."
"And I'll be waiting for you, Smith." With that said, Smith walked to the arena.
"Judgement Dragon attack him directly." Angel's dragon fired at Jackie. Bringing his life points to zero, but the amazing thing about this duel is that she hadn't lost a single life point. The holograms turned off, and their duel disks deactivated. Some of the crowd cheered for Jackie, I don't know why, but he was the fan favorite. Angel walked to the back, Smith passed her on his way to the arena.
Jackie bowed his head in defeat, before he was about to leave. Jackie heared the crowd shout, "Thank you, Jackie." Repeatedly, Jackie looked to them, smiled and waved. When he turned to leave, Smith said, "You still want that rematch, Cypress?"
Jackie turned back around and saw the artic fox in white, and said "You bet, I do, Smith." With that said, they activated their duel disks, drew five cards, and life point counters set.
"Let's Duel." They said
Jackie LP:4000 Smith LP:4000
Smith drew his card, "I summon Red-Eyes Wyvren (ATK/1800 DEF/1600) and set these two face down and end." Smith's dragon took to the field and two face down cards appeared behind it.
Jackie drew his card, "I summon Panther Warrior (ATK/2000 DEF/1600) and play Scapegoat." His panther and four little goats appeared. "Attack his dragon." A goat was absorbed into his panther sword and attacked.
"Activate Shrink, your monster attack will be cut in half." Smith's face down card revealed itself. "Wyvren counter attack." Jackie panther was destroyed.
Jackie LP:3200 Smith LP:4000
"I set this face down and end." A card appeared face down.
Smith drew his card, "*I summon Luster Dragon (ATK/1900 DEF/1700) attack his two scapegoats." His dragons destroyed two goats, "I end my turn."
Jackie drew his card, "I summon Rocket Warrior (ATK/1500 DEF/1300) and play Monster Reborn to bring back my panther. Attack his Wyvren." His last Scapegoat was abosrbed and destroyed Smith's dragon, "and end."
Jackie LP:3200 Smith LP:3800
Smith drew his card, "I summon Troop Dragon (ATK/1000 DEF/700) Luster Dragon attack his Rocket Warrior."
"Negate Attack." Jackie's trap card revealed itself and Smith attack disappeared.
"i end my turn."
Jackie drew his card, "I summon Gearfreid the Iron Knight (ATK/1800 DEF/1600) and attack your Troop Dragon."
"Threatning Roar." A loud roar stopped Jackie's attack, "I set this and end my turn."
Smith drew his card, "I tribute my Troop Dragon to summon Red-Eyes Black Dragon (ATK/2400 DEF/2000) attack his Rocket Warrior.
"I don't think so go, Kunai With Chain, I switch your dragon to defense mode." A chain wrapped around Smith's dragon.
"I set this end."
Jackie drew his card, "Oh boy, now your trouble, I sacrifice Rocket Warrior, Panther Warrior, and Gearfreid. To summon Gilford the Lightning (ATK/2800 DEF/1400) that means all the monsters you got out on the field are destroyed pal, Lightning Sword." Smith's dragons were instantly destroyed, "Now attack him directly." Jackie's attack landed. "I end my turn."
Jackie LP:3200 Smith LP:1000
Smith drew his card, "I activate my face down card, Soul Ressurection." His Red-Eyes returned in defence mode, "Then, I tribute him to summon Darkness Dragon (ATK/3600 DEF/2000)" Black flames shot down from the ceiling and his dragon appeared, "Attack his monster." Smith's attack landed.
Jackie LP:2400 Smith LP:1000
"I set this and end my turn."
Jackie drew his card, "I place a monster in defence mode and that's it." A card appeared sideways face down.
Smith drew his card, "Attack his defence monster." The attack landed, but then a red sphere like thing appeared on Smith's dragon. Jackie started laughing. "What's so funny, Cypress?"
"The card you attacked was a Blast Sphere." Jackie answered while still laughing.
"I end my turn." Smith ended.
Jackie drew his card, "One turn left, Smith. I set this card face down a monster face down and end my turn." Two cards appeared face down.
Smith drew his card, "I remove a dragon from play to summon Darkness Metal Dragon (ATK/2800 DEF/2400) attack." His first attack destroyed, Jackie's monster.
"Go, Shadow Spell." Chains appeared around the Darkness Metal Dragon and it's attack power dropped by seven hundred.
'Oh no, if I end my turn, I lose the duel. Unless.' "I set this and my turn." Smith's dragon exploded, "Activate Doppleganger, we both lose the same amount of life points."
"What?" Jackie asked in shocked.
The duel ended in a draw. The holograms turned off and duel disks deactivated. The crowd was in shock, so was I.
Another one down and a few left. Story by Battle-Panther
Characters owned by me, Angel belong's to her owner