mis furonas

Personajes ) dando luz que el es otra especie o la misma con una condicion especial que da pena ajena o en vez de eso miedo puede derritir o dar otra froma o cambiar de forma convirtiendo en alguien muy peturbador ''sergal'' tortuga raton hamster

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Fondest Farewell

I cherish the hamster toy that he slipped me before he left. it is my closest, most treasured possesion. i hope you've enjoyed reading this.

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The Great Prophet Of Zao Chapter 14: Fire, Smoke, and Death

The guard dogs in front of me create a wall of leather and armor that weaves its way through the forest while the untrained hamsters, rabbits, ferrets, and cats behind me stumble amongst themselves from the overgrowth of uprooted roots and thick patches of

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Fun with Bolt and Penny 9: Discovery

_i'm sure she's fine, bolt._ _yeah, it can't be that bad._ the hamster gestured at the tv screen. _none of those cars are even exploding!_ both dog and cat gave rhino a look, and he quieted down self-consciously.

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Kiss of Destiny: Chapter 5

The fat little hamster was rolling around in his ball, as was his custom. he looked up with a smile that quickly turned into a frown. "you look familiar..." he said.

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JUXTAPOSITION Chapter 5 - Transport Vehicles

In a corner of the car, the hamster, no without a plastic ball, was slumbering, some miniature snoring escaping from his nose now and then.

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A Stranger in Suburbia (An Interactive Story) - Prologue (13)

One is captioned **renée fairthorne (1483-1755)** and depicts an unsmiling hamster in elaborate red robes; the other is**emil fimble (1756-1846)**, depicting a grinning wolf in simple blue robes, easy on the eyes and full of lustre.

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Kiss of Destiny: Prologue

#1 of kiss of destiny a few years after the debacle that had led to an insane cross country trip with a delusional, if handsome, white dog and a very delusional hamster, mittens found herself, once again, lonely.

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Interview wth a Soldier

Instead, i became a hamster for the war scientists. i learned that having a fraud for an almost life mate was not the worst that could happen. luckily, my service was up in two summers. i was released, and never looked back.

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Interview wth a Soldier

Instead, i became a hamster for the war scientists. i learned that having a fraud for an almost life mate was not the worst that could happen. luckily, my service was up in two summers. i was released, and never looked back.

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Chapter 2 - Enter the Chihuahua

"are so," the hamster replied. "you're crazy." dale sighed. "never should have given you that dragnet dvd for christmas." "look who's talking... mister late, late, late, early show himself."

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