U.O.P.I Chapter 1 page 4

The note reads, "dear david, with all my heart i loved you as my grandson, i never meant any harm to come to you back in berlin, but i feel that someone is not as happy with you as i am, so from my home i hade these shipped to our archive.....

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9. Academics

I am honored to have as students two of his grandsons. "woofheim is but one of two pawfuls of worlds that orbit our sun, and has but two of its many dozens of moons. ... timby sat restless.

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Jeremy 006; Boundaries

He was a victim and the payout was large enough to pay for all four of his grandsons to go to the academy. i'll leave it up to you how much further to go with the speculation.


Daemon - Chapter 21 (The Ritual)

grandson... grandson of randel redpelt, the elder of the rovarian tribe." "that is... quite the lineage you have for a half breed!" he chuckled. "i have heard of your father and grandfather both!

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Journal of an Ultimate Lifeform: Chapter 3 ~ Vengeance Awakened

Ivo robotnik, gerald's grandson. for some odd reason he's been called eggman. a fitting moniker, i suppose, but still. anyway, he's the one who broke into prison island and released me. at first he thought i was someone called "sonic".

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Spyro's Death, but Family Chapter One

"i am glad to see you to, my grandson." spyro turned around, somehow he knew not to attack, something was different about malefore. he no longer looked pure evil, his body was no longer dark purple, more red now.

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U.O.P.I. Chapter 1 page 3, memorys of the fallen king

_see here my grandson, see how the world burns benieth us, see how one day you will take it all? let no one stop you let nothing stand in your way, if anything does get in your way, you will kill it!

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pokemon world (PART FOUR)

Questions but nods with his eye slowly opening up about to tell her about everything about him and his name as he looked at tina seeing she was looking right back at him} "i am bamut dahaka bahamut....i was born in the mountain of the dark ones...i am the great grandson

Clown Mare 1-3

"sorry grandson but, that's the best i can do for her. you do realize if you like her you should be a protector you know." "i try my best but there will always be something up that i have to do. like cleaning after school."

9th official character

Make will possibly be used for either short stories or one chapter stories 9th official character name/titles:zayn/zain koa asmodeus, beautiful warrior demon, beautiful wrath, master of the mists age:20 likes songs: any five finger death punch songs, grandson

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Unplanned Adventures Part 6 - Uncomfortable Generations

"anyway, i see the grandson in question in front of me." she embraced him lightly and put a minidrive into his hand. "here.

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Third Official Character Fea

And can summon necromions weaknesses:attacks on the soul/bioenergy, hunger, her loyalty to her friends and family, dragon sanctified silver, is slightly weak to petrification and lacks comen sense as she was razed on a farm(if u seen or read the wise mans grandson
