TMF-Ep4-New Classmates-

In the next few days thomas would become acquainted with two new people, a golden retriever named johnny and a dark colored rat named harry.

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The golden retriever was alone after all, so a bit of conversation with his insistent belly wasn't something he minded.

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Hic Sunt Dracones

._ chapter 2: "hic sunt dracones" by golden fox and sam gwosdz * * * **may 10th, 2017** the seven lost souls all woke up late the next morning and wandered down to breakfast in a bleary haze.

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Burned Memories (Part 2)

The fox sniffed him a little and then gave a small gasp, realising who the golden labrador was by scent. "b-brother, you're here." the fox said, bringing his own arms around the dog's back. "i've missed you," lucien replied with tears in his eyes.

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Hungry Kitchen

Axel stumbled into the kitchen, his stomach growling. **"Unghhh..."** He groaned as he opened the pantry. Nightfyre peeked over his newspaper for a moment, raising an eyebrow before he flicked the newspaper up again. Axel's eyes widened. **"WHAT!?...

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D.E1 Chapter 48 Father and son reunited

As he accepted the call, he immediately saw a golden furred evocanis in the other side. "how can i help you, brother?" he said, just guessing who the golden evo could be. "wow, i'm surprised that it is you who answered.

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A Soldier's Heart Chapter Five: John

The cashier was a female golden retriever, she was pretty, but i wasn't interested. "getting this for a lucky girl?" she asked innocently as she processed my purchase. "no, my boyfriend," i correct.

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Code Drop: Powder Hounds - An Official Heat Teaser

Sighing, the golden at her side made quiet inquiries behind her about whether the barkeep had a first aid kit. slamming back the rest of her drink, she slipped her paw over her golden boy's. "come on, erik. maybe the dance floor's less crowded."

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Boundless Act 1

Boundless: Act 1 After the meeting with Cedric I asked Scott if he could drive me home. As we drove along in the familiar patchwork Mitsubishi that we always called the "Shitsubishi" I couldn't stop thinking about Cedric and the strange manner we had...

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FNAF:The Investigation Chapter 2

enjoy chapter 2 Chapter 2;Cold Cases, cold pizza Several Years Later.... Characters:Officer Alexander Carr Short slicked back brown hair Slightly pudgy but not overweight Clean shaven a friendly looking demeaner with kind eyes Officer...

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Your Laughter

I pulled a small tender smile as a terran golden retriever girl, who looked only a few years younger than myself, took big steps to came up the hill i stood upon. she huffed and puffed by the time she came up to me, and i stifled a laugh in my breath.

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A Soldier's Heart Chapter Eight: Derek

I had looked behind me and found a female golden retriever smiling at me._ _"oh, hey! do i know you from somewhere?" i asked, not knowing who she was._ _"no, you don't know me. i'm ashley. what's your name?" she continued to smile._ _"uh, derek."

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