TMF-Ep4-New Classmates-
In the next few days thomas would become acquainted with two new people, a golden retriever named johnny and a dark colored rat named harry.
The golden retriever was alone after all, so a bit of conversation with his insistent belly wasn't something he minded.
Hic Sunt Dracones
._ chapter 2: "hic sunt dracones" by golden fox and sam gwosdz * * * **may 10th, 2017** the seven lost souls all woke up late the next morning and wandered down to breakfast in a bleary haze.
Burned Memories (Part 2)
The fox sniffed him a little and then gave a small gasp, realising who the golden labrador was by scent. "b-brother, you're here." the fox said, bringing his own arms around the dog's back. "i've missed you," lucien replied with tears in his eyes.
Hungry Kitchen
Axel stumbled into the kitchen, his stomach growling. **"Unghhh..."** He groaned as he opened the pantry. Nightfyre peeked over his newspaper for a moment, raising an eyebrow before he flicked the newspaper up again. Axel's eyes widened. **"WHAT!?...
D.E1 Chapter 48 Father and son reunited
As he accepted the call, he immediately saw a golden furred evocanis in the other side. "how can i help you, brother?" he said, just guessing who the golden evo could be. "wow, i'm surprised that it is you who answered.
A Soldier's Heart Chapter Five: John
The cashier was a female golden retriever, she was pretty, but i wasn't interested. "getting this for a lucky girl?" she asked innocently as she processed my purchase. "no, my boyfriend," i correct.
Code Drop: Powder Hounds - An Official Heat Teaser
Sighing, the golden at her side made quiet inquiries behind her about whether the barkeep had a first aid kit. slamming back the rest of her drink, she slipped her paw over her golden boy's. "come on, erik. maybe the dance floor's less crowded."
Boundless Act 1
Boundless: Act 1 After the meeting with Cedric I asked Scott if he could drive me home. As we drove along in the familiar patchwork Mitsubishi that we always called the "Shitsubishi" I couldn't stop thinking about Cedric and the strange manner we had...
FNAF:The Investigation Chapter 2
enjoy chapter 2 Chapter 2;Cold Cases, cold pizza Several Years Later.... Characters:Officer Alexander Carr Short slicked back brown hair Slightly pudgy but not overweight Clean shaven a friendly looking demeaner with kind eyes Officer...
Your Laughter
I pulled a small tender smile as a terran golden retriever girl, who looked only a few years younger than myself, took big steps to came up the hill i stood upon. she huffed and puffed by the time she came up to me, and i stifled a laugh in my breath.
A Soldier's Heart Chapter Eight: Derek
I had looked behind me and found a female golden retriever smiling at me._ _"oh, hey! do i know you from somewhere?" i asked, not knowing who she was._ _"no, you don't know me. i'm ashley. what's your name?" she continued to smile._ _"uh, derek."